Last week, Lolly told me that Big Top has been moping around, and she didn’t know why.

Big Top then turned to me and said something truly profound.

I wasn’t sure what to make of the situation, and then out of nowhere, Big Top got right to the point: He just can’t wait for the next Animal Intersection game.

Lolly was a bit irritated, because she was genuinely worried that something serious was wrong with Big Top.
Inkwell decided that he wanted to prepare a time capsule, and he asked me to bury it for him.

I dug a hole in the northwest part of town and dropped the capsule in. Now I’ll just have to wait until he’s ready for me to dig it up.
I played again today, which happens to be Valentine’s Day. I headed over to the Roost for my sweet treat from Brewster: Hot chocolate!

I received three letters in the mail for the occasion. My secretary Isabelle sent me a chocolate cake (which I ate), my apparent valentine Molly sent me a chocolate heart (which I also ate), and Mom sent me a cocao tree (which I didn’t eat).

By the time I drank my hot chocolate and ate my cake and candy, it was midnight. And pretty much everyone was already in bed! Well, except for Rolf. He asked me for a piece of fruit, and I gave him a perfect peach. He loved it, and he gave me an industrial wall in return.

According to Luna, my recent dream visitors include Ja from Kiwi, A+ from IDK, Jogdhbfj from Togwish, and Killian from Gamervil. Thanks for stopping by! I hope you all had a good Valentine’s Day!