Last week, Lolly told me that Big Top has been moping around, and she didn’t know why.

Big Top then turned to me and said something truly profound.

I wasn’t sure what to make of the situation, and then out of nowhere, Big Top got right to the point: He just can’t wait for the next Animal Intersection game.

Lolly was a bit irritated, because she was genuinely worried that something serious was wrong with Big Top.
Inkwell decided that he wanted to prepare a time capsule, and he asked me to bury it for him.

I dug a hole in the northwest part of town and dropped the capsule in. Now I’ll just have to wait until he’s ready for me to dig it up.
I played again today, which happens to be Valentine’s Day. I headed over to the Roost for my sweet treat from Brewster: Hot chocolate!

I received three letters in the mail for the occasion. My secretary Isabelle sent me a chocolate cake (which I ate), my apparent valentine Molly sent me a chocolate heart (which I also ate), and Mom sent me a cocao tree (which I didn’t eat).

By the time I drank my hot chocolate and ate my cake and candy, it was midnight. And pretty much everyone was already in bed! Well, except for Rolf. He asked me for a piece of fruit, and I gave him a perfect peach. He loved it, and he gave me an industrial wall in return.

According to Luna, my recent dream visitors include Ja from Kiwi, A+ from IDK, Jogdhbfj from Togwish, and Killian from Gamervil. Thanks for stopping by! I hope you all had a good Valentine’s Day!
I recently visited your dream town why wasn’t my name on the list

I’m Caroline from Robloxia on ACNL (I visited your dream yesterday)
Luna doesn’t list everyone that visited, she only mentions the most recent. So somebody else must have visited after you, by the time I checked with her. But thanks for visiting! I hope you enjoyed your dream visit.