Lolly told me that she received a package that was intended for Molly. I guess that’s somewhat understandable, since their names are almost the same. She asked if I could take it over to Molly, and I agreed to help out.

But Molly said it was something she forgot about; she already bought a new one. So she offered this package to me for 134 bells. That’s very cheap, so I accepted the deal. The item was a fishing vest.

However, I didn’t take the bait, so I had to throw it back in.
Inkwell was ready for me to dig up the time capsule he gave me last time. It’s only been two weeks! What good is a time capsule from just two weeks ago? Is life in Forest going to change that much in two weeks?

So I dug it up and returned it to Inkwell. He jokingly asked if I wanted an old sweat-soaked kanji tee.

Except that he wasn’t joking! That sweat-soaked shirt is exactly what he gave me as my reward!

I spoke to him more, and he accused Big Top of being a jewelry thief…only to discover that Big Top was only carrying marbles. That’s the same exact accusation he hurled at Lolly two months ago.

Back outside, Agent S asked me for a nice Forest peach. A quick glance at my pockets revealed I had a perfect peach already. So I gave it to her, she took a big bite, and I was completely shocked when she said this:

It was a rotten peach, and I didn’t even realize it! Agent S was furious at me, and I felt so bad! I’m sure this will harm our friendship level. She even said she’s not going to forget it for a long time. Oof.

Once she cooled off, I did speak with her several more times. I bought a couple of items she was selling, and we bonded when I told her I like roller coasters.

I shot down a balloon present, and I couldn’t help but noticing that they don’t seem to fly as high in the sky as they do in New Horizons.

But at least the balloons in New Horizons don’t contain balloon furniture. This balloon gave me a balloon floor.
Rolf told me he was going to move away on March 10th, but I quickly changed his plans.
According to Luna, my most recent dream visitor was JaWoozii from Tiny Ego. Thanks for stopping by! And Never Stop Crossing!