Last night, Lolly told me she was looking for some new furniture to replace her bow. I gave her a kiddie bureau, and she loved it. In return, she gave me her photo!!! Wow!

I could hardly believe it! I’ve been trying to earn this since Lolly moved into town back in 2018! I put the pic in my house…not into storage with my other pics. Lolly’s favorite quote is “Laughter is the best medicine.”

I decided to celebrate by doing something I haven’t done in years: Putting in a new public works project (PWP)! I believe my last one was the geyser, which I installed back in 2016. This time, I looked through the list and decided on a statue fountain.
The hard part was picking a location for it. But I eventually decided to place it near a bend in the river, in front of the Roost, and close to where Claudia recently lived. I paid off the very reasonable 88,000-bell fee, and then started up the game again today to attend the completion ceremony. Aurora, Lolly, Big Top, and Agent S joined me and Isabelle.

Later on, Hornsby asked me to play a game of hide-and-seek. He gave me 15 minutes to find him, Big Top, and Lolly. I quickly found Lolly behind a tree near the campsite and Hornsby hiding behind his own house.

Once I circled around town, I also found Big Top hiding in the worst spot of all: behind the Sphinx.

It only took me four minutes to find them all. Hornsby congratulated me and rewarded me with a modern wood sofa.
According to Luna, my recent dream visitors include Jeab from Hyrule and Leandro from Island. Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day!