Last night, Lolly told me she was looking for some new furniture to replace her bow. I gave her a kiddie bureau, and she loved it. In return, she gave me her photo!!! Wow!

I could hardly believe it! I’ve been trying to earn this since Lolly moved into town back in 2018! I put the pic in my house…not into storage with my other pics. Lolly’s favorite quote is “Laughter is the best medicine.”

I decided to celebrate by doing something I haven’t done in years: Putting in a new public works project (PWP)! I believe my last one was the geyser, which I installed back in 2016. This time, I looked through the list and decided on a statue fountain.
The hard part was picking a location for it. But I eventually decided to place it near a bend in the river, in front of the Roost, and close to where Claudia recently lived. I paid off the very reasonable 88,000-bell fee, and then started up the game again today to attend the completion ceremony. Aurora, Lolly, Big Top, and Agent S joined me and Isabelle.

Later on, Hornsby asked me to play a game of hide-and-seek. He gave me 15 minutes to find him, Big Top, and Lolly. I quickly found Lolly behind a tree near the campsite and Hornsby hiding behind his own house.

Once I circled around town, I also found Big Top hiding in the worst spot of all: behind the Sphinx.

It only took me four minutes to find them all. Hornsby congratulated me and rewarded me with a modern wood sofa.
According to Luna, my recent dream visitors include Jeab from Hyrule and Leandro from Island. Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day!
How many days was Lolly was in yo town until you got her pic?
It looks like it took 983 days!
Hey Jeff I can finally sit in my tree in the plaza! And also do you know forests dream address for ac new leaf? Great blog! Also I have 2 pictures so far: Molly’s and cheri’s
My dream address is 5D00-000F-7611, and there are a few fun things near the town tree you can use while you’re there (ice cream, famous mushroom, etc.). Enjoy your visit! 
I always got a lot more villager pictures than I needed in New Leaf to the point where I would have too many. Congrats on Lolly’s picture!
Thank you! And yes, New Leaf villagers tend to give their photos repeatedly! Well, except Lolly haha.
Congrats on Lolly’s pick! Do you have Bob’s or will he have to move back into town?
Thanks! I have Bob’s pic already.
I think you meant Aurora XD
LOL yes, thank you! I was thinking Aurora, but somehow my fingers typed Apple.