Toilet of Honor

July 2nd was Agent S’s birthday, and I made sure to attend her party. I gave her a kiddie bureau as a present, and she seemed to enjoy it.

Agent S: It means SO much to me that you came to celebrate with me. You've made today an extra-special day!

Her buddy Hornsby was also at the party to celebrate, and we had a good time. 🙂

Hornsby: Now that you're here, it REALLY feels like a party, shnozzle.

When I visited Inkwell, he told me that he has stuff from the past, present, and possibly, the future!

Inkwell: I have stuff from the past and the present and possibly the future... I don't want you to see some of it!

He then asked me to buy his super toilet for 1,584 bells, and I agreed to the exchange.

On July 8th, Agent S asked me to bury a time capsule for her…so I did.

Today, Molly asked me for some furniture to replace her hose reel. So I gave her the super toilet that I got from Inkwell.

Molly: Oh! A super toilet is exactly what I needed!

She said she was looking forward to putting it in a place of honor. 😂😂😂

Molly: I'm looking forward to getting this home and putting it in a place of honor, oh quack!

She then rewarded me by giving me her skeleton!

Molly: Here's my skeleton! Thank you so much for helping me!

Inkwell asked me for a piece of perfect fruit tonight.

Inkwell: I heard a rumor there's a really perfect fruit out there somewhere!

So I went home to check if I had any other than peaches in storage; turns out I didn’t. So I gave him a perfect peach, and he gave me a compass in return. No luck on getting his picture just yet, but I’ll keep trying!

According to Luna, my recent dream visitors include Isabelle from Bronze and Kimberly from Mazapan. Thanks for stopping by!