3-Year Time Capsule

Late on April 10th, I managed to snap a photo of the early-April pink trees (and falling cherry blossom petals) before they disappeared hours later.

The pink trees of early April in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

On Monday, Cherry was visiting Inkwell at the same time that I was. I chatted with both of them until they were sick of me. They both had their thought bubbles above their heads at the same time. Wow, they must’ve really hated me. πŸ˜†

Inkwell and Cherry, both sick of talking to me.

On Tuesday, Rolf asked me to bury a time capsule for him. I did, but unfortunately, my battery later died before I could save the game. So it’s like that (or anything else I did in that session) never happened. Oops.

But that made me decide to do something else I’ve been putting off for years: I gave Aurora back her time capsule that I accidentally dug up too early back in 2020!. She never asked for it back! But she was happy to have it in her possession again, and she gave me the li’l bro’s tee that was inside.

Aurora: Wow! You found it for me?! You know, I was just thinking it was about time to dig that thing up.
We both know that’s a lie.

Yesterday, Eunice the sheep was camping at the campsite. She’s nice (it’s in her name!), but I wasn’t interested in adopting her. And of course, my town is full anyway.

Eunice: Hello. I hope it's all right that I've decided to camp here. You have a lovely town.

Gulliver was in town, and he was talking about flamenco dancers and matadors. He was headed to Spain.

Gulliver: You've also got the dangerous and exciting birthplace of matadors. Such daring and bravery!

Today, he sent me a Gaudi’s lizard in the mail. Boots immediately wanted it, and he asked me to trade it for a dawn tank. He threatened to bite me, so I didn’t have much choice in the matter. πŸ˜‰

Boots: Please trade me for my dawn tank! And I bite?

I found a lost item on the ground, and I returned to it to Cube. He said that he has been keeping his cheesecake in it! He then gave me an editor’s desk to thank me for returning the bag. But he didn’t even offer me a piece of the cheesecake! πŸ˜‰

Cube: Whoa! I was looking forever for this!

According to Luna, my recent dream visitors include Jacob from Lotus, Jude from Judeland, and Leo from Gameston. Thanks for stopping by!

4 thoughts on “3-Year Time Capsule”

  1. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Jeff, you had one MAJOR opportunity, and you missed it.

    April Fool’s Day would have been your greatest opportunity to obtain the last few villager photos that you so desperately need. It could have rid you of the treasure for literal mold trades that the newest villagers have been weaseling you into. As I said in your New Horizons blog, I stated that I started my New Leaf town of Mushroom on 3/30. Because of April Fool’s Day, I was able to obtain pictures of the six villagers living in my town.


    ~Mr. Michael M. III, Nook, Inc. Mayor of Mushroom

    1. I’m not new to this game, I know all about April Fools Day. But getting photos that way feels like cheating to me. I like to know that I’ve really earned them.

      1. Well, when you put it that way, it really doesn’t feel like you are really earning them. However, I did this for my first year playing the game to obtain Blanca’s pic. While this definitely felt like cheating considering it was only my 3rd day, I feel that by the point that you are at in the game, it would feel a little more legitimate.
        Now, maybe if these pictures continue to evade you by next year, do you think you will participate in the event?
        Do you think that April Fools Day would be better if there were different options for obtainable rewards?

        ~Mr. Michael M. III, Nook, Inc. Mayor of Mushroom

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