Capsules of Time

May 11th was Cherry’s birthday, and I made sure to attend her birthday party. Inkwell was also in attendance.

Cherry: Buddy! So I guess you got my invitation! That's great! Come on in!

I had just bought Cherry’s kitchen corner at Re-Tail…and I gave it back to her as her gift. 😆 She didn’t seem thrilled with it at first, but she did eventually say it was great (even if she didn’t really mean it). 😛

Cherry: Oh! A kitchen corner! Wow... This is definitely not something I'd buy for myself!

Yesterday, Cherry asked me to dig up her time capsule…so I did.

Look! I dug up a time capsule!

She found a flame tee inside, and that’s what she gave me as my reward. Time capsules are the longest-term favor you can complete, generally taking weeks to complete. And yet the rewards are among the worst; usually a shirt is all you get in return.

Cherry: Ooh, a flame tee! i can tell I put a lot of effort into this time capsule!
Not enough for me.

Lolly told me that she was going to move out on the 31st, which was just three days away! I told her to stay, but one of these days, my luck is going to run out and some long-term villager will get away. But I’m not going to stress over it too much. Most of my villagers have been in town for many years, so they’ve all had a good run.

Mac the dog was camping at the campsite yesterday, and I’ve always liked him. He may not be the cutest dog in the series, but he’s still a cute doggo to me.

Mac, at the campsite: Heya! Do you live in this town?

Today, Jeremiah became the latest villager to ask me to bury a time capsule. It seems like when you have an open mail slot, it doesn’t take long for a villager to ask for a time capsule favor. I buried it for him, and now we just need to wait.

Jeremiah: Thanks, nee-deep! Now all the time capsule needs is the magic ingredient. Time!

Inkwell asked me to fetch him an orange today. Actually, his head looks like an orange. At least, an orange with a snout mouth. 😛

Inkwell: This is it! This is exactly the taste I was looking for! In the sea!

I grabbed one for him, and he rewarded me with an office desk.

June 9th, which is a week from Friday, is New Leaf’s 10th anniversary (in America, at least)! For the occasion, I’m planning on opening my gate for an anniversary party! If you attended my Friday Night Forests in the past, you may want to get in touch with me and I’ll verify if you’re still on my roster (although most of the former regulars should still be on there). I will probably post a blog entry late that night (unless no one shows up). 😆

According to Luna, Ian from Yoshi was my most recent dream visitor. Thanks for stopping by!

10th Towniversary

Tuesday (May 2nd) was my town’s anniversary, and Isabelle kidnapped me!

Isabelle: It's just that, well, there's another exciting milestone to celebrate...

She dragged me over to the plaza for an anniversary event. Porter, Jeremiah, and Hornsby were also there. Happy 10th birthday, Forest! 🙂

Isabelle: Exactly 10 years ago today, Jeff arrived in Forest.

If you’d like to look back at that first day, here is that blog entry.

On Wednesday, Cherry asked me to bury a time capsule for her.

Cherry: Will you bury a time capsule for me?

I’ll try not to dig this one up early. 😉 I even put a pattern on the ground next to the spot, to remind me not to dig there. 😛

Cube was talking about how the Sphinx was always sitting in the same position.

Cube: The sphinx is always sitting in that position. I wonder if its feet ever fall asleep?
Is this a riddle?

He said it should get up and move around to get its blood flowing. I think it has sand for blood. 😛

Cube: It should really move around and get the blood flowing, on Toy Day.
You know you’d be terrified if that actually happened.

Yesterday, Inkwell said that he could probably fit four people on his sloppy sofa…even if we’d be squeezed in like sardines in a can.

Inkwell: It mgiht be fun to pretend like we were sardines packed in a can! In the sea!

Today, I made a penguin-to-penguin delivery from Cube to Aurora. She rewarded me by giving me her photo (it’s obviously not the first time, since she’s been here ten years now). 😉

Aurora: It's Aurora's pic!

Jeremiah asked me for a butterfly, so I grabbed an emperor penguin butterfly out of my dock box. He thanked me and rewarded me with an upright vacuum. I later gave that vacuum to Aurora when she asked me for some furniture. Guess what she gave me in return? Her photo again! Twice in one day!!!

Aurora: Here's my Aurora's pic! Thank you so much for helping me!

Meanwhile, I’ve been waiting forever for pictures from Inkwell, Cube, Cherry, and Jeremiah. Especially Inkwell and Cube, who moved here in 2020 and 2021, respectively. Oof.

On a brighter note, cute little Molly asked me to join her on the metal bench tonight. She’s so adorable.

Molly and Jeff sit on a bench together.

According to Luna, my recent dream visitors included Mikey from Mushroom and Moki from Okayama. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂