10th Anniversary Party

Sparro the sparrow bird was camping over at the campsite. He seems pretty cool. I wouldn’t mind having him someday, but I don’t have room right now.

Sparro: Hey! Do you think it's OK if I camp here for a while?

I had an interesting exchange with Jeremiah today:

  • Jeremiah asked me to return an item to Rolf. It was a metronome.
  • Rolf gave me the metronome as a reward for delivering it.
  • I told Jeremiah I made the delivery, and then he offered to buy the metronome for 250 bells. I agreed to the sale.

So the metronome went from Jeremiah to me to Rolf to me to Jeremiah. So basically, I got 250 bells for walking in a circle.

At 10:00 tonight, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Tonight is the 10th anniversary of the game’s release in America. BranDex and Beth came over, and we started out with a tour of my house. That included the frog room upstairs, which has basically gone untouched for years.

Jeff, in a froggy room: One serving of flies, please.

I didn’t notice at first, but BranDex and I were both wearing flame shirts! He had the sleeved shirt though, and I had the T-shirt.

Before long, Alex also came over, so we had a full house! After we were done in my house, we headed over to the Roost for some coffee.

Hanging out at the Roost.

I suggested we take a group photo by my statue fountain. 🙂 It’s too bad it was so dark and cloudy, though.

BranDex, Beth, Jeff, and Alex by the statue fountain in Forest.

We then went out to the island for some tours. We started off with a hammer tour, where we had to smack Tortimer’s machine with toy hammers.

Battling Tortimer's machine on the hammer tour.

I was taking some photos, and I think that caused the machine to lag on my screen (but not on everyone else’s). Because I kept seeing everyone run to the other side of the screen, while I was smacking the machine by myself half the time. 😛

Smacking the machine on the hammer tour.

In total we smacked it a whopping 335 times, earning us a gold Tortimer award. We also went on a fishing tour, a diving tour, and an ore tour.

We all find some ore.

When we returned to the mainland, I remembered I could use my own toy hammer as well. No one was safe! Well, except me, because nobody else had one. 😉

Smacking Alex with a toy hammer.

Around 11:00, Alex and Beth had to go. But I did stop to eat a mushroom first. 😉

A giant-sized Jeff stands on a bridge with Beth and BranDex.

BranDex and I talked to a few villagers, and then we went up to Club LOL for some dancing. That included a nice rendition of Saria’s Song, which is my town tune.

Dancing at Club LOL.

At one point, I said we needed a tootoid solo. And then almost immediately, we got one! My tootoids starting farting up a storm. 😆

Next, we headed over to the campground, where we checked out Franklin’s RV (and I ordered some pancakes, because they looked good). We also warmed by the fire.

Sitting by the fire at the campground in New Leaf.

I ended the session at 11:30. I had a good time, so a special thanks to BranDex, Beth, and Alex for visiting!

According to Luna, Cherry from New Leaf was my most recent dream visitor. Thanks for stopping by!

I hope you all had a good New Leaf anniversary! 🙂

Cube’s Razor

Last Friday (June 2nd) was Inkwell’s birthday, and I made my way over to his party. For a gift, I gave him a lefty lucky cat that I bought at Re-Tail (Inkwell was actually the seller himself). He acted like he enjoyed the gift, but I could tell he wasn’t thrilled. 😛

Inkwell: What?! Did you really get me a lefty lucky cat?

Aurora was also at the party; she’s always so cute. 🙂

Aurora: I'm glad you came to celebrate with us! When it comes to parties, it's certainly the more the merrier.

Boone was camping at the campsite, but I would never willingly invite him into my town. 😛 (Not that I could anyway.)

Boone: I was really focused on running. I ran and ran and ran. And when I looked up, I was in this town!

On Sunday, Cherry asked me for…a cherry! I guess she was feeling a bit cannibalistic. 😉

Cherry: This is it! This is the exact cherry taste I was after!

I tracked one down for her, and she rewarded me with a festival lantern.

On Monday, Inkwell asked to visit my house. He seemed to like my house, but he couldn’t take his eyes off my gorgeous chest. 😛

Inkwell: I bet your gorgeous chest is a total mess, right?

When I visited Cube, he told me that he couldn’t find his electric razor anywhere! It’s hard to imagine him with a beard or mustache. 😛

Cube: I can't find my electric razor anywhere.

But he surmised that there must be an alien on the loose…an alien that goes around eating electric razors. Surely that would be more likely than him just losing it. I guess it wasn’t Occam’s razor. 😉

Yesterday, Melba the koala was over at the campsite. She’s certainly cuter than Boone.

Melba: Oh, hello! I hope it's all right that I set up camp here.

Saharah was in town, and I paid her 3,000 bells for an extreme home makeover. She installed a sporty wall and a backyard lawn.

A sporty wall and backyard lawn in my house.

I’ve actually been keeping an eye out for the sporty wall, so it was nice to get it. I put it in my football room, which is actually rather sparse. This is literally all that’s in the room:

My football room, now with a sporty wall.

According to Luna, my recent dream visitors included Serenity from Akuseru and Loui from Rover. Thanks for stopping by!

I plan on opening my gate Friday night at 10 p.m. Eastern time, for a special 10th anniversary Friday Night Forest. My blog entry might not be up until later in the weekend, though. And if there’s no entry at all over the weekend, it means nobody came. 😆

See you again in a few days, most likely! 😉