On June 25th, Jeremiah asked me to dig up his time capsule. So I grabbed my shovel, unearthed the container, and returned it to the blue frog.

It had a bubble tee inside, and he rewarded me with…what else? The bubble tee, of course.
Last night, there was a meteor shower in the skies over Forest. So I wished on several shooting stars at various spots around town.

Jeremiah asked me to catch a red snapper for him, and I did just that. Fortunately, it didn’t take me more than a couple minutes. He ultimately rewarded me with a female mask.

Today, Wishy sent me a letter with a space console attached. That’s a pretty cool item, so I put it in storage. I didn’t want to sell it.
But when Cherry asked me for some new furniture, it occurred to me that I should give the space console to her. So I grabbed it out of storage and handed it over.

I was surprised, but very happy, when she gave me her picture in return!

I’ve been trying to earn her picture for over a year, so this is a big relief. Of course, Inkwell and Cube have been here even longer, and I’m still waiting for theirs too. But this is a step in the right direction! I took her photo home and put it in my modern/emerald room, next to Lolly’s pic.

Her favorite quote on the back is “One dog barks at something; the rest bark at him.” You can’t go wrong with an astute observation and correct semicolon usage.

According to Luna, my recent dream visitors included Büsra from Galifrey and Milan from Armonie. Thanks for stopping by! I’ll be back with another entry later this month. Hope to see you then!