This past Saturday, I started up the game for the first time in October. Jack sent me a skeleton hood in the mail, and it’s a good thing…because it helped cover up my bedhead. (Shampoodle was already closed for the night.)

On Sunday, Cherry told me that she was planning on moving out of town on October 24th. I decided to let her go. She’s lived in town for a year and four months, and I earned her photo back in July.

When I checked the bulletin board, I saw that Cherry won the most recent fishing tournament. So she’ll be moving out on a high note.

I found a lost item, and I returned it to Rolf. In return, he gave me his photo. Of course, I already have one in storage, and a couple extras in the museum, but it’s the thought that counts.

Yesterday, I played another game of Desert Island Escape…and I won. I’m still on the intermediate levels, in case you’re wondering. But it’s fun, and I want to continue playing until I clear them all. I know there are still rewards I need, too.

There was a meteor shower tonight, and I wished on several shooting stars. But I accidentally wiped away a path tile as I was trying to take a photo. That’s why I ended up with this awkward pose.

So I moved into the grass and got a better photo.

I’ll be back with another entry next week, as I say goodbye to Cherry.