On December 18th, I saw the northern lights up in the sky as I played to collect more Toy Day hints.

Inkwell told me he wanted something orange for Toy Day.

Two days later, Inkwell asked me for a piece of fruit. I gave him a perfect peach, and he gave me a computer in return! A new computer for a piece of fruit?? Why can’t we ever make trades like that in real life?

I was (eventually) able to collect 19 of the 20 possible Toy Day hints. I figured that should be enough. So when the 24th (Toy Day) rolled around, I felt like I was ready for the challenge.

He gave me the Santa bag to use, to start delivering gifts to all my villagers.

I got a bit of a scare when Inkwell said this:

*Slippy Toad voice* I was worried for a moment. But it all ended up correct. Whew!

Here’s a list of what my villagers wanted, and what I gave them:
- Aurora: blue toy (elephant slide)
- Boots: white rug (birch flooring)
- Cube: colorful umbrella (gelato umbrella)
- Hornsby: red clothes (red warm-up suit)
- Inkwell: orange furniture (grapefruit table)
- Jeremiah: red lamp (polka-dot lamp)
- Lolly: a white lamp (minimalist lamp)
- Mira: yellow furniture (lemon table)
- Molly: red furniture (juicy-apple clock)
- Rolf: something orange (kitschy tile)
Jingle rewarded me with a festive wreath for a job well done.

Today, I received a letter from Jingle, again thanking me for the help on Toy Day. He attached his photo to the letter.
With Christmas over, my villagers’ attention has switched to the upcoming New Year’s Eve countdown. Molly plans to clean up her house for the new year. And to be honest, she probably needs it. It’s a bit crowded in her room!

Cesar the gorilla was camping at the campsite. My town is already full, but I don’t think I would willingly invite any gorilla into my town anyway.

I ran into my old buddy Bob up on Main Street. Nice to see him around again, even if it was just to shop.

Apparently, no one new has visited the dream version of Forest since my last entry. So I can’t give any shout-outs this time. But I hope you all had a good holiday, and I hope you have a great New Year’s Eve too! See you next year!