On April 20th, Rolf asked me to collect signatures for his “Restore the Good Ol’ Days” petition.

Of course, I had to decline the request now that online play is no longer officially supported. Although honestly, I would have declined it anyway. But I don’t have to feel guilty about it now, haha.
That same day, Boots asked me to bury a time capsule for him. I agreed to do it, so he will let me know when he’s ready for it back.

Today, I noticed something that has apparently escaped my notice for 11 years…and you may laugh at me for this. But I noticed that Aurora’s house is green!

I always thought it was off-white or light gray or pearl or something. Me being colorblind certainly plays a part in that, but the lighting (and cloud cover) also plays a role. I’ve historically played mostly at night, but I’ve been playing in the daytime more lately. It was clear and sunny when I played today, though, so I noticed the color.
When I went inside, Aurora asked me to fetch Cube for her. I tracked him down, but there was a problem. I couldn’t ask him to come with me, because he was sitting on the metal bench in town! There was no way to tell him the news.

I had to go up to Main Street, and then return, to get him off his butt. So he followed me back to Aurora’s house, where she reminded him that he needed help writing a letter to his cousin.

Cube said he needed help spelling a certain word, but he couldn’t remember what word it was.

So he turned around and left, saying he wanted to get back to his juice box and crayons.

Well, that was pointless.
Over at the campsite, Timbra the sheep was camping out. I was not interested in her, and Forest is full anyway.

Inkwell asked me for some new furniture, so I bought a money box from Harv’s campground. Yes, I was blatantly trying to bribe Inkwell into giving me his picture. He liked the money box…

But he only rewarded me with a common floor. I was uncommonly floored.
That’s all I have for now. I’ll let you all get back to your juice box and crayons. See you next time!