On Monday, Mira asked to visit my house, and I let her come over. So she followed me home.

She complimented my exotic bed, while also giving me a backhanded compliment. She said I have good taste, even though I don’t look like I do.

She later called me a rich show-off. These visits sure seem to bring out the rudeness in villagers, don’t they?

Inkwell asked me to fetch Jeremiah for him, and it was all just so that Inkwell could return an item (a racer tee) to him. Why couldn’t he just have me deliver it?

Inkwell gave me a western fence for helping out.
On Tuesday, Gulliver was in town (down on the beach). He told me he wanted to visit a country that’s very long and shaped like a boot. I knew he was talking about Italy, and he later sent me a Mouth of Truth in the mail.

Yesterday, Renee the rhino was camping at the campsite. I stopped in to say hello, and that’s about it.

Today, I had another camper: Drift the frog. He’s not a bad villager, but I do have him in Wild World at the moment. (And of course, my town here is still full.)

Mira spotted my Mouth of Truth in my pockets, and she wanted me to trade it for a club tee. I agreed to the trade, even though I already had a club tee (and I was wearing it at the time)! But it seemed to make her happy, at least.

When I visited Inkwell, he wanted to buy that extra club tee for 90 bells. I had no need for it, so I sold it to him. But when he turned around, I realized that the back of his head resembles the squid bumpers in his house! I’m not sure if those are gills or what, but Inkwell and the bumpers both have them.

That’s all I have for now, but I’ll see you all in June! Never Stop Crossing!