On Sunday, Lolly asked me to deliver a package to Jeremiah…when Jeremiah was practically standing right next to us. That was an easy favor to complete.

Over by my zen bell, I noticed a lot of new black roses have popped up lately! Eventually, I’d like to turn them all into gold roses. But that would involve removing the beautiful town ordinance, and I’m not in a rush to do that. I’d have to keep everything watered every day! (Well, not the gold roses, but everything else.)

It’s been raining a lot lately (in all of the Animal Crossing games, really) due to it being the rainy season. Rolf was so annoyed that he wants to punch the rain in the knee! I doubt that would help, but I still agree with the sentiment.

Inkwell asked to visit my house, and I agreed to let him come over. He actually said it smelled cool in my house. That’s quite a contrast to what my villagers have been saying about my houses in some of the other games lately.

I showed him around until he decided to leave. But he did not send me his photo.

Yesterday, I found a four-leaf clover in town. The interesting thing about that is that I found one in City Folk yesterday too!

Today, I found Bob hanging out in the art gallery at the museum. He was surprised to see me…briefly.

Back at my house, I did something I haven’t done in a long time: I played some Animal Crossing Puzzle League!

Unfortunately, the screenshot feature doesn’t work when you’re playing the game (unlike in Desert Island Escape). But I had some fun playing the game, even though I was quite rusty! That hard mode is crazy fast!
July is almost here, and with it, the peak bug hunting season! I know it’s less of a big deal in New Leaf (since you can visit the island anytime), but it’s still a fun time of year. Good luck with your bug hunts this summer, and I’ll see you again in July!