Two Spades

On Saturday, I found Cube down on the beach. He was talking about the wind turbine, saying it spins so much that it makes him dizzy.

Cube: I can't star at it for too long, though, or I start to get dizzy. Ugh, my head hurts now, on Toy Day.

Except that the wind turbine was behind him, up on the cliff. He couldn’t really see it from here unless he completely turned around and craned his neck up to the sky. 😛

Cube standing underneath the wind turbine.

Yesterday, Inkwell asked for a new catchphrase to replace “in the sea.” I wanted his catchphrase to stay fresh, so I told him to say “in ink” instead.

Inkwell: Hoo! The new me is gonna be irresistible, in ink!

Today, I was visiting Rolf, and Inkwell was also at his house. Not only was Rolf wearing a spade tee, but he also had one on display right behind him. ♠️

Rolf and his spade tees.

I was even more amused when Inkwell seemingly made note of Rolf’s new obsession. 😆

Inkwell: I bet he loves his spade tee!

Maybe Rolf will let us join his spade club if we play our cards right. 😉

Gulliver was down on the beach talking about the Manneken Pis and chocolate. So I knew he was headed to Belgium…and he’ll send me a gift from there.

Gulliver: ...Belgium!

I went down to the beach for a summer night fishing/bug-hunting expedition. Even though I do this more in City Folk, it can be fun in the other games as well. After spending about 40 minutes on the beach, I had a pretty nice haul: I caught four ocean sunfish, three regular sharks, two hammerhead sharks, a Napoleonfish, two horned atlases, three goliath beetles, two cyclommatus stags, and a horned elephant.

I caught an ocean sunfish! My day is brighter already! 114.50 in.

I made around 160k, give or take, although I’m not sure of the exact amount. Regardless, it was enough to bump up my savings account balance to 130 million bells!

Your current balance is 130,000,000 bells.

Today, I posted a new video taking a look at “co-exclusive features” in the Animal Crossing series. Basically, features that are in two of the core Animal Crossing games, but not the others. Like igloos are only in New Leaf and the GameCube game, or hide-and-seek is only in City Folk and New Leaf. I hope you’ll give the video a watch, and maybe learn something new about the series! 🙂

See you all in August!

Sunday Campers

Last Sunday, the sky looked pretty around sunset. So I snapped a photo.

A pretty sunset sky in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

Diana the deer was camping at the campsite. I don’t have room for her in Forest, but I stopped in to say hello.

That same day, I accidentally fell into my own pitfall trap. I knew it was there too, but I was focused on my black roses and I took a bad step. 😛

Jeff struggling to get out of a pitfall behind the face-cutout standee.

But yeah, the zen bell area isn’t the only place I have a bunch of black roses growing.

Mira asked me to visit her house, and I agreed to set up a time. When the time came, she asked if I’d like to buy anything she had. The problem is that I had just deposited my money into the ABD, so I only had a few hundred bells on me!

Mira: Huh? You don't seem to have enough bells... And I can't go any lower on price, I hopped.

That wasn’t enough money to buy anything in her house, so I was unable to advance the conversation beyond that point! How annoying. I stayed for ten minutes, but I eventually had no choice but to just leave.

Mira: Huh? You heading home already?

Today, I had another camper: Ozzie the koala.

Ozzie: You're from this town, aren't you?

Having campers on two Sundays in a row brings back a memory. In the early days of New Leaf, there was a rumor that campers couldn’t appear on Sundays. I have no idea how it started, but at least one popular guide stated it as fact for some reason. 🤷

This morning, I just happened to be walking by the modern clock when it lit up at the top of the hour. It’s always a cool sight to behold. 🙂

The modern clock lighting up at 10 a.m. in New Leaf.

I found a lost item (a book), and I started asking around. I was hoping it belonged to one of the villagers whose photo I still need, because a lost item counts as a “free” favor. But unfortunately, the book belonged to Boots. He thanked me for returning it by giving me a durian.

Boots: Take my durian. A little thank-you from me to you.

Inkwell asked me for a new item to replace his blue bed, so I bought him an office desk from T&T Emporium. It might not be the best item ever, but it’s nothing to sneeze at!

Inkwell: Whachooo! Nothing like a good sunlight sneeze to wake you up, in the sea.

He rewarded me with a retro stereo.

I hope you’re all enjoying your summer! I’ll be back with another entry later this month.