Last Sunday, the sky looked pretty around sunset. So I snapped a photo.

Diana the deer was camping at the campsite. I don’t have room for her in Forest, but I stopped in to say hello.

That same day, I accidentally fell into my own pitfall trap. I knew it was there too, but I was focused on my black roses and I took a bad step.

But yeah, the zen bell area isn’t the only place I have a bunch of black roses growing.
Mira asked me to visit her house, and I agreed to set up a time. When the time came, she asked if I’d like to buy anything she had. The problem is that I had just deposited my money into the ABD, so I only had a few hundred bells on me!

That wasn’t enough money to buy anything in her house, so I was unable to advance the conversation beyond that point! How annoying. I stayed for ten minutes, but I eventually had no choice but to just leave.

Today, I had another camper: Ozzie the koala.

Having campers on two Sundays in a row brings back a memory. In the early days of New Leaf, there was a rumor that campers couldn’t appear on Sundays. I have no idea how it started, but at least one popular guide stated it as fact for some reason.
This morning, I just happened to be walking by the modern clock when it lit up at the top of the hour. It’s always a cool sight to behold.

I found a lost item (a book), and I started asking around. I was hoping it belonged to one of the villagers whose photo I still need, because a lost item counts as a “free” favor. But unfortunately, the book belonged to Boots. He thanked me for returning it by giving me a durian.

Inkwell asked me for a new item to replace his blue bed, so I bought him an office desk from T&T Emporium. It might not be the best item ever, but it’s nothing to sneeze at!

He rewarded me with a retro stereo.
I hope you’re all enjoying your summer! I’ll be back with another entry later this month.