Jeremiah asked me for a new greeting yesterday, and I told him to say “I was a bullfrog.”

It was raining, and Inkwell told me he was going to shower outside. He used both his Splatoon-themed greeting and his Splatoon-themed catchphrase, and it all made logical sense together! That’s pretty rare.

He asked me for some furniture, and I gave him the Kinderdijk windmill that I got in the mail from Gulliver (from the Netherlands). He liked what I chose, and he gave me a soft-serve lamp in return.
There was a tent at the campsite, and I found Biskit inside! He’s the cute dog that has no eyes…or at least no pupils. But when he reacted surprised, he actually did have eyes! And pupils!

I would have adopted him instantly if I had room in my town, but of course I didn’t.
I found a lost item on the ground, and I returned it to Lolly. It was a bag that had some bread inside! She said it’s probably stale now, and I don’t blame her for not wanting to eat it. Especially since it was on the ground, out in the rain.

She rewarded me with a bold-check tee, and I decided to put it on. It’s a shirt I remember wearing in the GameCube game many years ago.
By today, the rain was gone and the sun was out. Aurora asked me to bury a time capsule for her, and of course I helped out (despite the unenthusiastic look on my face in this screenshot).

Mira asked me to catch a puffer fish for her, so that she could see if it looked like Hornsby. Fortunately, it didn’t take me long to track one down.

Mira thanked me for the fish, but she didn’t say if it looked like Hornsby to her or not. She gave me a dharma in return.

We’re about to head into October, and Jack will be showing up soon to tell us about Halloween! I’ll see you next time!