Autumn Moon 2024

Last Saturday, I found Gulliver down on the beach.

Gulliver: Mmmm... Lizzy... But you were my lobster...

He was headed to Mexico, and he sent me a skeleton figurine in the mail.

Boots gave me a new nickname, “bro.” He said that now he feels like he’s my king, in a swamp. 😛

Boots: I feel like I'm your king or something now, in a swamp!

Sunday, Boots asked me to make a delivery to Molly. Before she even opened it, she could tell it smelled sweaty. Eww.

Molly: Is it me, or does it smell kind of sweaty?

She offered me “something special” if I could guess what it was, but I didn’t want it if it smelled sweaty! So I guessed that it was furniture, which was of course wrong. So I got no reward, but that’s okay.

Molly: Nope! It's actually clothing!

Yesterday, Mira asked me for some new furniture. I gave her the skeleton figurine from Gulliver, and she seemed to like it. She rewarded me with a portable toilet.

Mira: Heh heh... I hope you like your new portable toilet!
Based on her “heh heh,” I think she knew what she was doing.

It was the night of the autumn moon (harvest moon), and Aurora wanted to save a few drops of the moon’s light to look at later. Aww, that’s cute.

Aurora: The moon is gorgeous tonight, isn't it? I wish I could put a few drops of its light in a jar for later.

So of course, I had to look up at the sky to see it for myself.

Jeff and Aurora admire the autumn moon in Animal Crossing: New Leaf (ACNL).

Over at the plaza, Isabelle was there to hand out wheat bundles.

Isabelle: To celebrate Autumn Moon tonight, I prepared wheat bundles for everyone. Would you like one?

I also stopped to pose in the face-cutout standee that was set up for the occasion. I’m a scarecrow!

Jeff the scarecrow uses the faceboard for the night of the autumn moon (harvest moon).

Today, Rolf told me about a weird new trend he saw on TV: He said that people are getting antlers attached to their heads! Now that is weird!

Rolf: Nope, it wasn't even for the winter time. These people just get antlers attached to their heads. Weird.

Cube asked me for a small piece of furniture, and I gave him the wheat bundle. He appreciated the gift, and he gave me a science table in return.

Gulliver was in town again today, and he was talking about tulips and windmills. He was headed for the Netherlands.

Gulliver: Man, I was worried for a moment there. The ideas were spinning around my head like a windmill.

Mira started rapping to me, about feng shui of all things.

Mira: Let's see... I learned a feng shui rap a bit ago... Yellow in the west makes your money luck the best!

Hornsby pinged me, but Mira’s rap kept going and going. 😛

Mira: Put green stuff in the south to punch bad luck in the mouth!
Mira: And, uh... Red in the east makes your item luck a beast!

By the time Mira’s rap was over, Hornsby had moved on. So I’ll never know what he wanted. But it wasn’t about moving, because Aurora already wanted to move today…and I convinced her to stay.

I saw a very large fish shadow in the river, and I fished out an arapaima. These are always so satisfying to catch!

I caught an arapaima! And it looks like it's in its prime-a!

At the drive-in campground, I went inside an RV; it belonged to Joan! She was telling me that she’s more comfortable around turnips than people.

Joan: I s'pose dealing with customers can get a bit tiring sometimes.
Joan, in her RV: I'm probably more comfortable with turnips than I am with people!

I’ll be back with another entry later this month. I hope to see you then! Never Stop Crossing! 🙂