Last Saturday, I found Gulliver down on the beach.

He was headed to Mexico, and he sent me a skeleton figurine in the mail.
Boots gave me a new nickname, “bro.” He said that now he feels like he’s my king, in a swamp.

Sunday, Boots asked me to make a delivery to Molly. Before she even opened it, she could tell it smelled sweaty. Eww.

She offered me “something special” if I could guess what it was, but I didn’t want it if it smelled sweaty! So I guessed that it was furniture, which was of course wrong. So I got no reward, but that’s okay.

Yesterday, Mira asked me for some new furniture. I gave her the skeleton figurine from Gulliver, and she seemed to like it. She rewarded me with a portable toilet.

It was the night of the autumn moon (harvest moon), and Aurora wanted to save a few drops of the moon’s light to look at later. Aww, that’s cute.

So of course, I had to look up at the sky to see it for myself.

Over at the plaza, Isabelle was there to hand out wheat bundles.

I also stopped to pose in the face-cutout standee that was set up for the occasion. I’m a scarecrow!

Today, Rolf told me about a weird new trend he saw on TV: He said that people are getting antlers attached to their heads! Now that is weird!

Cube asked me for a small piece of furniture, and I gave him the wheat bundle. He appreciated the gift, and he gave me a science table in return.
Gulliver was in town again today, and he was talking about tulips and windmills. He was headed for the Netherlands.

Mira started rapping to me, about feng shui of all things.

Hornsby pinged me, but Mira’s rap kept going and going.

By the time Mira’s rap was over, Hornsby had moved on. So I’ll never know what he wanted. But it wasn’t about moving, because Aurora already wanted to move today…and I convinced her to stay.
I saw a very large fish shadow in the river, and I fished out an arapaima. These are always so satisfying to catch!

At the drive-in campground, I went inside an RV; it belonged to Joan! She was telling me that she’s more comfortable around turnips than people.

I’ll be back with another entry later this month. I hope to see you then! Never Stop Crossing!