Mira’s Pic

On Sunday, Mira asked me for some fruit because she heard it’s good for your skin. Fortunately, I had just the thing to give her: a perfect apple! I’ve had it a couple months or so; I think I got it in a letter from Mom. I saved it for a situation just like this, and Mira loved it!

Mira: Wowza! Tasty!

In return, she rewarded me with her picture!!! Wooo!

Mira: Heh heh... This is from my secret Mira's pic stash. You earned it, dude!

After immediately saving my game (you can probably guess why), I took the photo home to take a look at it. Mira’s favorite quote is on the back, “Always help a friend in need.”

Mira's pic on display, between Jeremiah's pic and some pancakes.

I’m thrilled to have finally earned her pic! 😁 Mira has been in town for over a year (13 months, to be exact), but it feels like longer than that. Probably because I’ve been trying for much longer to get Cube’s pic (3.5 years and counting) and Inkwell’s pic (4 years and counting). Well, maybe those will happen soon!

I kept playing Sunday night until I got all of my remaining Toy Day hints.

I played again today, and Toy Day is here! I got a letter in the mail from Dad; he wished me a happy Toy Day of course, and he sent me a retro stereo. 🎶

I changed into my Santa outfit, which I had saved in my secret storage. (That’s much easier than re-buying the outfit every year.) I went to the plaza to look for Jingle, but he wasn’t there. I had to do a little searching, and I eventually found him near the Roost.

Jingle: Happy holidays!

He gave me the magical Santa bag, and I started to deliver the gifts from Santa. Aurora was the first on my list, and she was happy with her rock guitar!

Aurora: Santa, you're amazing! Somehow you knew exactly what I wanted.
She’ll be rockin’ around the Christmas tree.

I made my way from villager to villager, successfully giving them the gifts they wanted.

Boots: Thank you so much, Santabro!

I got slightly worried when Inkwell didn’t specifically say that his gift was what he wanted. But I’m confident that it had to be the right thing.

Inkwell: A cream sofa! I'm so happy!
Enjoy it! It’s ink-redibly comfortable!

I think Mira ended up with the best gift overall.

Mira: Yes! A wide-screen TV! Awesome! This is exactly what I wanted! I'm so happy!
Use your rabbit-ears to improve your reception. 😉

Here’s the list of all my Toy Day hints for the year, along with the gifts I gave to each villager:

  • Aurora: green instrument (rock guitar)
  • Boots: orange rug (kitschy tile)
  • Cube: aqua umbrella (blue dot parasol)
  • Hornsby: green furniture (lily-pad table)
  • Inkwell: white furniture (cream sofa)
  • Jeremiah: gray lamp (mini lamp)
  • Lolly: colorful carpet (kiddie carpet)
  • Mira: black appliance (wide-screen TV)
  • Molly: colorful food (candy jar)
  • Rolf: brown instrument (folk guitar)

When I was done, I returned the bag to Jingle. He confirmed that I delivered everything perfectly, and he gave me a festive wreath as my reward.

Jingle: Let's see... Yup, yup! You've indeed delivered everything perfectly, kid!
Jingle: Since you did such a holly-jolly job, I'll give you a special little present. It's a festive wreath!

Happy Toy Day and Merry Christmas, everyone! 🎄

I’ll be back in early January with another entry. The zodiac item for 2025 will complete my collection! Hope to see you then!

Aurora’s Coconut Cake

On December 4th, I shot down a balloon present! Ooh, what could be inside?

Shooting down a balloon present as Inkwell looks on.

Inside, I found a milk can. That was a milky way of spoiling my excitement. 🥛

Mira was describing someone with two horns, brown fur, and a strong profile…

Mira: He's got two horns, fluffy, brown fur, and a strong profile...

She was talking about Jingle, of course.

Mira: You know, when you put it into words like that, Jingle sounds like a real weirdo! I hopped!
I think you just put yourself on the naughty list.

Now that December is here, villagers have started to give hints about what they want for Toy Day. I’m going to list the hints I’ve received so far, although it isn’t many:

  • Cube: something aqua
  • Inkwell: white furniture
  • Mira: black appliance

I probably need to speak more to the villagers who I’m not focused on getting photos from. 😛

On December 5th, Inkwell asked for some furniture to replace his cupid bench. I checked Re-Tail, the lost and found, T&T Emporium, and Harv’s shop, but I couldn’t find any rectangular furniture. But when I checked my museum exhibit rooms, I found a Kiki and Lala sofa I wasn’t using. I gave it to Inkwell, and he loved it!

Inkwell: Wow! A Kiki and Lala sofa! It's perfect!

In return, he just gave me the Cupid bench. Not bad, but it’s still not his photo.

When I played again on Sunday (the 15th), I saw that snow now covers the ground and festive lights adorn many trees. 🎄 The holidays are getting close!

Festive lights on trees between Re-Tail and the waterfall.

Today, Molly was sitting on the metal bench in town. She asked me to join her for a bit, so I did! Molly is always so cute. 🙂

Sitting on the metal bench with Molly.

Jeremiah told me he needed Aurora for something, and he asked if I would go and get her. He said he was too tired to do it himself.

Jeremiah: the thing is, I'm super sleepy right now and would probably fall right over if I tried to leave the house.

I agreed to fetch Aurora, but first, I ran into Lolly. She asked me to bury a time capsule for her…so I did that too.

Lolly: sorry to spring this on you, but would you be interested in burying my time capsule for me?

I ultimately found Aurora by the flower clock, just outside of town hall.

Aurora stands by the flower clock in Animal Crossing: New Leaf (ACNL) for Nintendo 3DS.

I told her the news, and we headed over to Jeremiah’s house. Jeremiah just wanted to know if he could have some of the coconut cake he smelled her cooking yesterday.

Jeremiah: I was walking by your house yesterday, Aurora, and I caught a whiff of some coconut cake.

Aurora didn’t appreciate the fact that Jeremiah was lurking around her house. 😛

Aurora: Huh?! You were lurking around my house to spy on my snacks? That'd be creepy if it weren't so sad.

But she said she couldn’t share the cake anyway, because she already ate it all!

Aurora: Anyway, I can't share with you, because I've eaten everything.

She then stormed out of his house. Jeremiah was going to give me a reward, but my pockets were full. So he said he’ll mail it instead. (Update: He sent me a lovely carpet.)

I’m not sure if I’ll play on Toy Day (Christmas Eve) this year or not. It may depend on whether I get enough gift hints before then. But regardless, I will be back at some point later this month with another entry. I’ll see you then. Happy holidays!