Penguin Birthdays

On January 9th, Lolly watched intently as I caught a big stringfish. Sorry kitty, but I can’t let you have this. 😆

Jeff, holding a stringfish as Lolly looks on: OH MY GOSH!

On Sunday (January 26th), Inkwell told me that he recently let a pill bug get away, and he was still mad about it.

Inkwell: I let another one get away, and I'm still steamed about it! Pill bug!

How the heck did a pill bug manage to outrun him? They’re one of the slowest bugs in the game. 😆 He asked me to catch one for him, and I did just that. He rewarded me with a heart tee.

Inkwell: Ha ha! A heart tee!
I feel like he’s laughing at me and my never-ending quest to earn his photo. I’m reading his “Ha ha” in Nelson Muntz’s voice.

Monday was Aurora’s birthday, so I headed over to her house for her party. It was just so dark in there, even though it wasn’t very late yet!

Aurora's birthday party, with Inkwell and Jeff in attendance.

I gave her a juicy-apple clock for a birthday gift, and she seemed to enjoy it.

Aurora: Ooh, a juicy-apple clock. How thoughtful of you. Thanks!

Inkwell was also at the party, and he said he just did a triple axel off a chair before I got there. Suuuuure you did, Inkwell. 😛

Inkwell: You totally missed my awesome birthday dance! I did a triple axel off a chair!

I was having an unlucky day, so I fell a few times when I was running. Unfortunately, I didn’t time any photos perfectly enough, but here you can see me starting to get back up after falling. It still looks pretty odd, though! Almost like I’m a zombie with my arms hanging to the ground. 😆

Me standing up after a fall.

At the museum, I had an intimidating encounter with Boots! Of course, his greeting and catchphrase made things sound worse than they really were.

Boots: I'll eat you!! Fancy meetin' you here, bud! In a swamp!

I’m happy to report he did not eat me.

Today, another villager had a birthday: Cube! I headed over to his party, where I also found Aurora. It’s another penguin party! I gave Cube a Fire Bar that I got from a fortune cookie at the Emporium.

Cube: A Fire Bar?! Whoa! I did NOT expect this.
This should heat things up. 🔥

Of course, I’m just now realizing that flaming balls of fire are probably not the best thing to give a penguin. Well, at least he doesn’t live in an igloo. 😛

Today (January 29th) is National Puzzle Day, so I went home and played a few games of Animal Crossing Puzzle League to celebrate. 🧩

It's a New Nintendo 3DS! Do you want to play some Animal Crossing Puzzle League?
I sure do!
Animal Crossing Puzzle League

I’ll see you next time! Never Stop Crossing!

5 thoughts on “Penguin Birthdays”

  1. Seeing that it is National Puzzle Day, now I need to play a puzzle game. I played Tetris Attack and Kablooey yesterday and a few days ago I played Tetrisphere.

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