Inkwell’s Pic, For Keeps!

Today, I started up the game to find that the snow has all melted away! The grass is green once again. Yay for spring!

Green grass returns as the snow has finally melted!

I’m also just realizing that I never changed my bricks to ice bricks for winter. Oops. 😆 Well, at least that means I don’t have to change them back. 😛

Next to the town tree, Inkwell asked me for some furniture. He said anything would do.

Inkwell: I want some new furniture now!

But I didn’t have any furniture on me, except for a balloon dresser I shot down from a balloon. I could only imagine he’d be as disappointed with balloon furniture as I would be. 😛 So I went to Harv’s campground, and bought some cornstalks instead.

Harvey: Ah! So you're interested in my cornstalks...

I took them over to Inkwell, and he loved them. In fact, he rewarded me with his picture!!

Inkwell: This Inkwell's pic ought to work for you, beefcake! Thanks a bunch for your help!

If you’ve read this blog for a while, you may remember that I (briefly) had his photo before, last year. But my game crashed during a game of Desert Island Escape, so I lost it. It was like it never happened at all. While I’m glad to have finally earned it once again, I noticed quite a coincidence…

I have a spreadsheet where I list the villager photos I’ve earned, along with the dates I got them. As I entered Inkwell’s pic into my spreadsheet, I ran across a note that I made last year. As it turns out, the first time I got his pic was on February 25th, 2024. Today is February 25th, 2025. So it’s been exactly one year to the date! Does Inkwell only give out his pic on February 25ths? 😆

At any rate, I’m relieved to have his photo now. And I saved my game immediately after, so it’s safe and secure. 😛 I put it on display in my house, and Inkwell’s favorite quote is “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

Jeremiah's pic and Inkwell's pic stare over my shoulders.

But before I could escape my house, a villager came over to visit. (It was Boots this time.) That’s one thing I hate about the newer Animal Crossing games. You can’t even use your house for more than a minute or two without someone showing up.

Boots; How about we turn your place into a gym?
How about no?

I spoke to Boots a few times, and he gave me a moth orchid before (eventually) leaving.

Anyway, Cube is now the only one of my current villagers whose photo I still need. Hopefully I can earn it sometime soon.

Just as a reminder, Festivale is coming up next Monday, March 3rd! For more information, check out my Festivale Guide.

~Notice~ This year's Festivale is next week on March 3rd! It's almost here, so just wait a little longer and then get ready to celebrate in style!

See you all in March! Have a Happy Festivale!