It was raining again in Forest tonight. And once again, Molly was enjoying the moisture.
Gala was talking about a dream visitor named d34 from the town of Old Yes. She said that d34 was a pro listener.
Wendy was online, and she asked to come over to shop. But then I realized my stores closed in just one minute! I went to open my gate and then ran to the Emporium, but it closed just seconds before I reached the door. Wendy still came over for a visit, however. She commented on how it’s always raining in Forest, suggesting that it should be called Pourest instead.
Drago was discussing the rain too, wishing that it was grape soda instead.
Gulliver was down on the beach, but he was dead. Or unconscious.
It was getting late, so I ended the session. And as soon as I came out of the train station, Drago pinged me. He wanted to move out of town on September 28th. But I made him stay.
And with the gate closed, I was able to wake up Gulliver. He was clearly on his way to Hawaii, so he’ll be sending me a gift from there tomorrow.