Sparro the sparrow bird was camping over at the campsite. He seems pretty cool. I wouldn’t mind having him someday, but I don’t have room right now.
I had an interesting exchange with Jeremiah today:
- Jeremiah asked me to return an item to Rolf. It was a metronome.
- Rolf gave me the metronome as a reward for delivering it.
- I told Jeremiah I made the delivery, and then he offered to buy the metronome for 250 bells. I agreed to the sale.
So the metronome went from Jeremiah to me to Rolf to me to Jeremiah. So basically, I got 250 bells for walking in a circle.
At 10:00 tonight, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Tonight is the 10th anniversary of the game’s release in America. BranDex and Beth came over, and we started out with a tour of my house. That included the frog room upstairs, which has basically gone untouched for years.
I didn’t notice at first, but BranDex and I were both wearing flame shirts! He had the sleeved shirt though, and I had the T-shirt.
Before long, Alex also came over, so we had a full house! After we were done in my house, we headed over to the Roost for some coffee.
I suggested we take a group photo by my statue fountain. π It’s too bad it was so dark and cloudy, though.
We then went out to the island for some tours. We started off with a hammer tour, where we had to smack Tortimer’s machine with toy hammers.
I was taking some photos, and I think that caused the machine to lag on my screen (but not on everyone else’s). Because I kept seeing everyone run to the other side of the screen, while I was smacking the machine by myself half the time. π
In total we smacked it a whopping 335 times, earning us a gold Tortimer award. We also went on a fishing tour, a diving tour, and an ore tour.
When we returned to the mainland, I remembered I could use my own toy hammer as well. No one was safe! Well, except me, because nobody else had one. π
Around 11:00, Alex and Beth had to go. But I did stop to eat a mushroom first. π
BranDex and I talked to a few villagers, and then we went up to Club LOL for some dancing. That included a nice rendition of Saria’s Song, which is my town tune.
At one point, I said we needed a tootoid solo. And then almost immediately, we got one! My tootoids starting farting up a storm. π
Next, we headed over to the campground, where we checked out Franklin’s RV (and I ordered some pancakes, because they looked good). We also warmed by the fire.
I ended the session at 11:30. I had a good time, so a special thanks to BranDex, Beth, and Alex for visiting!
According to Luna, Cherry from New Leaf was my most recent dream visitor. Thanks for stopping by!
I hope you all had a good New Leaf anniversary! π