Littering, Burying, Seeking

On Sunday (July 23rd), I found a lost item on the ground. I returned it to its owner, Jeremiah. But he said it was just an empty bag!

Jeremiah: But it's just an empty bag. I gotta think of something to put inside it.

If his empty bag was on the ground, I’m pretty sure that’s just litter, not a “lost item.” πŸ˜› But he still gave me some stone tile to thank me for returning it.

On Tuesday, Rolf asked me to bury a time capsule for him. I’m not sure these things are worth the effort, but Rolf is one of my favorite villagers, so I agreed to help out.

Rolf: You've heard of time capsules, yes? You know, those things where you send a message to your future self?

Last night, I found Gulliver down on the beach. He was talking about tom yum kung and elephants, so I knew he was headed to Thailand. (If you’re ever in doubt, check my handy Gulliver guide.)

Gulliver: They make this really spicy, sour soup with shrimp in it! It's called tom yum kung!

Today, he sent me a tuk-tuk in the mail.

Cherry asked me to play a game of hide-and-seek tonight, and I agreed to play. She gave me 15 minutes to find her, Inkwell, and Aurora.

Cherry: Jeff, if you find all three of us within 15 minutes, you win!

In less than a minute, I found Aurora and Cherry, who both stayed near the plaza.

Cherry: Waaah! You scared me!

And in within another minute (or less), I found Inkwell hiding behind his own house. πŸ˜†

Inkwell hides behind his own house during a game of hide-and-seek in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

That was a really quick game! Cherry rewarded me with a tabletop game.

Molly asked me to deliver a gift to Inkwell, so I took over a painter’s tee. Inkwell couldn’t wait to try it on.

Inkwell: This is going on my bod right now!
He gave me a grape tee as thanks.

According to Luna, my recent dream visitors include Mike from Blyss, Izzi from Forest, and John from Fuz Land. Thanks for stopping by!

Cherry’s Pic

On June 25th, Jeremiah asked me to dig up his time capsule. So I grabbed my shovel, unearthed the container, and returned it to the blue frog.

Jeremiah: Woohoo! It's so good to see my time capsule again!

It had a bubble tee inside, and he rewarded me with…what else? The bubble tee, of course. 🫧

Last night, there was a meteor shower in the skies over Forest. So I wished on several shooting stars at various spots around town. 🌠

Jeff wishes on a shooting star as Lolly walks around in the background.
Wishing on a shooting star by Jeremiah's house.

Jeremiah asked me to catch a red snapper for him, and I did just that. Fortunately, it didn’t take me more than a couple minutes. He ultimately rewarded me with a female mask. πŸ˜›

Jeremiah: It's a female mask!

Today, Wishy sent me a letter with a space console attached. That’s a pretty cool item, so I put it in storage. I didn’t want to sell it.

But when Cherry asked me for some new furniture, it occurred to me that I should give the space console to her. So I grabbed it out of storage and handed it over.

Cherry: Oh! A space console? Good call!

I was surprised, but very happy, when she gave me her picture in return!

Cherry: Heh heh... I hope you like your new Cherry's pic! Thanks for your help, in igloos!

I’ve been trying to earn her picture for over a year, so this is a big relief. Of course, Inkwell and Cube have been here even longer, and I’m still waiting for theirs too. πŸ˜› But this is a step in the right direction! I took her photo home and put it in my modern/emerald room, next to Lolly’s pic.

Cherry's pic on display in my house.

Her favorite quote on the back is “One dog barks at something; the rest bark at him.” You can’t go wrong with an astute observation and correct semicolon usage. πŸ˜‰

Quote on Cherry's pic: One dog barks at something; the rest bark at him.

According to Luna, my recent dream visitors included BΓΌsra from Galifrey and Milan from Armonie. Thanks for stopping by! I’ll be back with another entry later this month. Hope to see you then! πŸ™‚

10th Anniversary Party

Sparro the sparrow bird was camping over at the campsite. He seems pretty cool. I wouldn’t mind having him someday, but I don’t have room right now.

Sparro: Hey! Do you think it's OK if I camp here for a while?

I had an interesting exchange with Jeremiah today:

  • Jeremiah asked me to return an item to Rolf. It was a metronome.
  • Rolf gave me the metronome as a reward for delivering it.
  • I told Jeremiah I made the delivery, and then he offered to buy the metronome for 250 bells. I agreed to the sale.

So the metronome went from Jeremiah to me to Rolf to me to Jeremiah. So basically, I got 250 bells for walking in a circle.

At 10:00 tonight, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Tonight is the 10th anniversary of the game’s release in America. BranDex and Beth came over, and we started out with a tour of my house. That included the frog room upstairs, which has basically gone untouched for years.

Jeff, in a froggy room: One serving of flies, please.

I didn’t notice at first, but BranDex and I were both wearing flame shirts! He had the sleeved shirt though, and I had the T-shirt.

Before long, Alex also came over, so we had a full house! After we were done in my house, we headed over to the Roost for some coffee.

Hanging out at the Roost.

I suggested we take a group photo by my statue fountain. πŸ™‚ It’s too bad it was so dark and cloudy, though.

BranDex, Beth, Jeff, and Alex by the statue fountain in Forest.

We then went out to the island for some tours. We started off with a hammer tour, where we had to smack Tortimer’s machine with toy hammers.

Battling Tortimer's machine on the hammer tour.

I was taking some photos, and I think that caused the machine to lag on my screen (but not on everyone else’s). Because I kept seeing everyone run to the other side of the screen, while I was smacking the machine by myself half the time. πŸ˜›

Smacking the machine on the hammer tour.

In total we smacked it a whopping 335 times, earning us a gold Tortimer award. We also went on a fishing tour, a diving tour, and an ore tour.

We all find some ore.

When we returned to the mainland, I remembered I could use my own toy hammer as well. No one was safe! Well, except me, because nobody else had one. πŸ˜‰

Smacking Alex with a toy hammer.

Around 11:00, Alex and Beth had to go. But I did stop to eat a mushroom first. πŸ˜‰

A giant-sized Jeff stands on a bridge with Beth and BranDex.

BranDex and I talked to a few villagers, and then we went up to Club LOL for some dancing. That included a nice rendition of Saria’s Song, which is my town tune.

Dancing at Club LOL.

At one point, I said we needed a tootoid solo. And then almost immediately, we got one! My tootoids starting farting up a storm. πŸ˜†

Next, we headed over to the campground, where we checked out Franklin’s RV (and I ordered some pancakes, because they looked good). We also warmed by the fire.

Sitting by the fire at the campground in New Leaf.

I ended the session at 11:30. I had a good time, so a special thanks to BranDex, Beth, and Alex for visiting!

According to Luna, Cherry from New Leaf was my most recent dream visitor. Thanks for stopping by!

I hope you all had a good New Leaf anniversary! πŸ™‚