Autumn Moon 2024

Last Saturday, I found Gulliver down on the beach.

Gulliver: Mmmm... Lizzy... But you were my lobster...

He was headed to Mexico, and he sent me a skeleton figurine in the mail.

Boots gave me a new nickname, “bro.” He said that now he feels like he’s my king, in a swamp. 😛

Boots: I feel like I'm your king or something now, in a swamp!

Sunday, Boots asked me to make a delivery to Molly. Before she even opened it, she could tell it smelled sweaty. Eww.

Molly: Is it me, or does it smell kind of sweaty?

She offered me “something special” if I could guess what it was, but I didn’t want it if it smelled sweaty! So I guessed that it was furniture, which was of course wrong. So I got no reward, but that’s okay.

Molly: Nope! It's actually clothing!

Yesterday, Mira asked me for some new furniture. I gave her the skeleton figurine from Gulliver, and she seemed to like it. She rewarded me with a portable toilet.

Mira: Heh heh... I hope you like your new portable toilet!
Based on her “heh heh,” I think she knew what she was doing.

It was the night of the autumn moon (harvest moon), and Aurora wanted to save a few drops of the moon’s light to look at later. Aww, that’s cute.

Aurora: The moon is gorgeous tonight, isn't it? I wish I could put a few drops of its light in a jar for later.

So of course, I had to look up at the sky to see it for myself.

Jeff and Aurora admire the autumn moon in Animal Crossing: New Leaf (ACNL).

Over at the plaza, Isabelle was there to hand out wheat bundles.

Isabelle: To celebrate Autumn Moon tonight, I prepared wheat bundles for everyone. Would you like one?

I also stopped to pose in the face-cutout standee that was set up for the occasion. I’m a scarecrow!

Jeff the scarecrow uses the faceboard for the night of the autumn moon (harvest moon).

Today, Rolf told me about a weird new trend he saw on TV: He said that people are getting antlers attached to their heads! Now that is weird!

Rolf: Nope, it wasn't even for the winter time. These people just get antlers attached to their heads. Weird.

Cube asked me for a small piece of furniture, and I gave him the wheat bundle. He appreciated the gift, and he gave me a science table in return.

Gulliver was in town again today, and he was talking about tulips and windmills. He was headed for the Netherlands.

Gulliver: Man, I was worried for a moment there. The ideas were spinning around my head like a windmill.

Mira started rapping to me, about feng shui of all things.

Mira: Let's see... I learned a feng shui rap a bit ago... Yellow in the west makes your money luck the best!

Hornsby pinged me, but Mira’s rap kept going and going. 😛

Mira: Put green stuff in the south to punch bad luck in the mouth!
Mira: And, uh... Red in the east makes your item luck a beast!

By the time Mira’s rap was over, Hornsby had moved on. So I’ll never know what he wanted. But it wasn’t about moving, because Aurora already wanted to move today…and I convinced her to stay.

I saw a very large fish shadow in the river, and I fished out an arapaima. These are always so satisfying to catch!

I caught an arapaima! And it looks like it's in its prime-a!

At the drive-in campground, I went inside an RV; it belonged to Joan! She was telling me that she’s more comfortable around turnips than people.

Joan: I s'pose dealing with customers can get a bit tiring sometimes.
Joan, in her RV: I'm probably more comfortable with turnips than I am with people!

I’ll be back with another entry later this month. I hope to see you then! Never Stop Crossing! 🙂

Double Rainbow Gallery

Last Saturday, I saw a really big flower next to my yellow bench! 😉

A villager holding a petal parasol stands near my bench.

But it was just Cube, holding a petal parasol. When I spoke with him, he started talking about dragonflies spitting out tiny flames. 😆

Cube: Do you think dragonflies spit tiny flames? That's something I've always wondered.

It was just the start of his conversation leading to a request: He wanted me to catch a dragonfly for him. So I started looking around, and I wasn’t seeing any at first (maybe because it was raining). But when I finally did spot one (after the rain stopped), it was a big one! It was a banded dragonfly!

Me, holding up a banded dragonfly: I did it!

I took it back to Cube, and he gave me a nice reward: a computer.

Cube: It's a computer! Hope you like it!

I also noticed something else in the sky. A double rainbow was starting to form!

Standing on a bridge near Rolf, as a double rainbow is in the sky overhead.

As the minutes wore on, it got brighter and brighter!

A double rainbow in Forest.

While this isn’t the first double rainbow I’ve seen in Forest (that was in 2016), this is just the 2nd one! So I took a bunch of pictures of it, all over town!

A double rainbow as seen from my town tree.
A double rainbow, along with slivers of Cube and Inkwell.
A double rainbow as seen from Forest's metal bench.
A double rainbow as seen from my statue fountain.
A double rainbow over my zen bell. A balloon present can also be seen.
If you’re wondering, that balloon present contained a hurdle.
A rainbow over Main Street.
The Happy Homes Showcase arch sign is shaped like a rainbow itself.
A double rainbow from the bench at the end of Main Street.
A double rainbow from the Forest Museum.
A double rainbow over Re-Tail.
Can I take the rainbow in to Cyrus to get it customized?
A double rainbow from my southwest park, near town hall.

I think I overdid it with the photos, haha. But it’s a rare sight to see, so why not? 🌈

On Monday, Eugene the koala was camping in town. I never liked the guy.

Eugene: I'm Eugene. I'm in town for a little camping trip. It's so nice around here. I love it!

At Re-Tail, I saw a cube clock for sale. I bought it, and decided to mail it to Cube (get it?) as a gift. I also wrote him a nice letter, politely asking for his photo. 😆

Mailing a letter at the post office.
It’s been a long time since I’ve mailed a letter in this game.

Today, I received a response from Cube. He said he liked the letter, but he didn’t send me a gift with his reply. Oh well. I tried.

I found Gulliver down on the beach, and he was talking about tom yum kung and elephants. The elephants made me think of India (because of Dhalsim’s stage in Street Fighter II, haha), but that wasn’t one of the choices. So I consulted my Gulliver guide and saw that Thailand was the correct answer.

Gulliver: ...Thailand!

Gulliver will be sending me a tuk-tuk in the mail next time!

If you haven’t yet seen my latest video, it’s a comparison of my town in each Animal Crossing game. It contrasts details about each town, my villagers, my museum and collections, and also my accomplishments and goals. I hope you’ll give it a watch!

Striking Out

On Sunday night, I attended the fireworks festival. Isabelle was at the plaza, and she gave me a heart bopper.

Wearing my new heart bopper at the fireworks festival.

While I was there, I bought one of Redd’s cookies. There was a “bang ticket” inside, and I gave it back to Redd in exchange for a boxed figurine.

Redd: Wow! Ya got a bang ticket! Congrats!

After unsuccessfully trying to glitch onto Redd’s tent (like we could do in the old days), I headed over to a nearby bridge to watch a few minutes of the fireworks. 😍

Hornsby watches a heart-shaped firework in the sky.
The firework matched my bopper. 💖

On Monday, I spoke with Mira just three times and she told me not to talk to her! This usually only happens after 10+ chats, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen it after just three chats before! I have no idea how or why this happened!

Mira: Uh, Jeff? Could you not talk to me right now?

Tuesday, Cube asked me for some fruit (any kind). But I accidentally pressed B, cancelling the request! I was kicking myself, because giving fruit is just about the easiest favor there is, and I’m still desperately trying to earn Cube’s photo (and Mira’s and Inkwell’s, for that matter). So it stings to mess this up.

Cube: But don't you care that I'm hungry, on Toy Day?

But at least I have been able to complete some favors for Mira. She asked me for a barred knifejaw, and I actually caught one on my first attempt (aside from scaring away a tiny fish shadow). But Mira just rewarded me with a yellow certificate.

Mira: It's a yellow certificate! Dude. Seriously. Thank you.

Yesterday, Mira asked to visit my house…and of course I said yes. She came in, and I showed her every room.

Mira follows me into my house.

After that, I found Cube sitting on the bench in my southwest park. He asked me to join him, and I couldn’t resist!

Sitting on a bench with Cube in the park.

He later asked me for an ocean fish, so I got a shark out of storage for him. I’m not messing around, here. I want these villagers’ photos badly!

Cube: Seriously?! You caught this shark for me?

He appreciated the effort, but he only rewarded me with a small LED display.

When I played again later, Mira again wanted to hang out. But this time, she wanted me to visit her. So we set a time, and I showed up as planned. Of course, there’s not a lot to do in villagers’ houses, since they just have the one room. I went around and turned each item on or off, and then just talked to her for a while.

Mira: Welcome! Come in, I hopped!

Eventually, she asked if I wanted to buy anything. I asked about the home-computer rack, and she agreed to sell it to me for 1,250 bells. After that, I headed out. She asked if I liked her house, and I told her I did.

Today, I received the two letters from Mira thanking me for both visits. The gifts attached were a space station and an hourglass. Clearly, the hourglass symbolizes my wait for her photo. ⏳

Inkwell wanted me to collect signatures for a petition… But I literally can’t. So I had to decline another request. Oof.

Inkwell: It's like people just don't care about my Martial Arts for Everyone initiative! Can you believe it?

Cube and Mira were both hanging out in the museum today; Cube was in the art gallery and Mira was in the aquarium. So unfortunately, I couldn’t pester them for favors today. 😛

Mira, in the aquarium: Hey, Jeff! Cool fish tank, huh? I hopped!

I feel like I keep striking out at trying to get these photos, and it’s frustrating. I know the focus of Animal Crossing games shouldn’t be getting the photos, and I really don’t worry about them in the other games. But in this game, they just take sooo long. Mira has only been in Forest for 9 months, but Cube has been here three years and Inkwell has been here almost four years. I just want to earn their photos before I let any of them move out, and it’s deflating how long it takes. 😣

One other quick note: I shot down two balloon presents today. One contained some birch flooring, and the other held a cruiser bike inside.

I’ll see you next time!