Alien appeared on the Mii News recently to inform me that I've solved 4,500 Mii problems on the island.
There were a number of birthdays in September. Peach celebrated hers on September 3rd, Kevin Love celebrated his 30th birthday on September 9th, Squishy celebrated a birthday on September 15th, and Maeby turned 28 on September 22nd. Happy birthday, everyone!
On Kevin Love's birthday, he had some additional news. He wanted to propose to Madison! I told him to go for it, but I actually failed at the little mini-game, so he never got to pop the question. Oops, my bad. Sorry, Kev!
A few days later, Breezy was also in the mood for love. She wanted to get back together with Gaston!
But when they were supposed to meet, Gaston never showed up. How disappointing.
After that, I decided it was time to add a new Mii to my island. You may remember that "Skull" was one of the options in the Twitter poll I posted a while back...and with Halloween season here, I figured it was the perfect time to add him! I gave him the horror interior and a skeleton suit to wear.
Bone sweet bone. I mean, home sweet home.
And of course, I prepared a QR code so that you all can add Skull to your islands, if you wish. It has also been added to the QR Codes page.
I gave Skull some celery, and he hated it (as well he should). He melted into a pile of gray goo after eating his worst ever food.
By the power of gray skull!
A couple days later, I gave him a buttered potato and he loved it! He blasted off into outer space for his super all-time favorite food.
Skull also told me that he doesn't waste time on frivolous things like showers. Yeah, when you have no skin or hair, I guess you don't need to shower. It's not like anyone ever says "you look great" or "you smell so fresh" to a dead person.
Last night, Velma said she missed how things used to be with Weird Al.
So she asked him if he'd like to give their relationship another try... and he said yes! They are sweethearts once again.
Today, Zoidberg had a similar request: He wanted to get back together with Miss Piggy!
But when I relayed the message to Miss Piggy, she shot down the idea immediately. Ouch.
So close, and yet so far.
Tobias asked for some new clothes, so I gave him a ballerina outfit. He really seemed to like it.
I gave him a schnitzel, which I already knew was his super all-time favorite food. I just wanted to see him blast off into space in a ballerina outfit, haha.
There are still seven married couples on the island, and my Quality of Life rating is 184 stars.
Thanks for stopping by, and have a spooky Halloween season! I'll see you next month.