Entry 26: First Breakup
There was a UFO sighting on Wolf Bobs Plain recently! But as it got closer, everyone saw it wasn't a spaceship, but just a flying Elly.So it couldn't be classified as an unidentified flying object, since everyone knew what it was.
In an unrelated story, the food mart recently had some space food on sale!
Annyong had an unusual request: He wanted to grow up!
So I gave him an age-o-matic and he grew right before my eyes!
So the game showed him doing some "adult" things such as boarding a train, working in an office, and eating at a restaurant.
Tobias told me he had feelings for both Lindsay and Breezy, and he asked for advice on who to ask out.
I told him to ask out Lindsay, since she is his wife in Arrested Development after all.
And she said yes! They're now sweethearts!
It wasn't until the following day that I realized what I had done. Inigo was majorly depressed and heartbroken. I had forgotten that he and Lindsay were already sweethearts! So when I set up Tobias and Lindsay, I was also breaking up Inigo and Lindsay. Oops! A sequence of memories was shown (much like when a baby grows up) as Inigo was remembering all the good times they had together.
This was the first breakup on Wolf Bobs Island, and it was completely my fault. Sorry about that, Inigo. I hope he's not the type to hold a grudge...oh wait. I'm in big trouble.
Shaq asked me for some clothes that he could wear while playing sports. But...he was already wearing an oversized jersey (which probably isn't oversized for him).
So I gave him a basketball uniform to help him out.
I got a StreetPass tag today, but no campers came to visit. However, I did get a shipment of a new item, a monkey hat from Genosha Island.
The boat also took Melvin away. Afterwards, I went to the import-wear shop and bought myself a monkey hat.
Mario was taking a nap, so I took a peek at his dream. His head was on a skeleton keychain, hanging from someone's backpack as they walked and ran through the woods.
I gave Squishy some gummy candy (or should I call it squishy candy) and she loved it! In fact, it was her super all-time favorite!
Charlie Brown may feel a bit less lonely now, as his good buddy Snoopy has just moved in. Just in time for the dog days of summer.
And Peach asked me what she should say when she's angry. How about "Out of my castle!" I didn't have enough room for the exclamation point, but I think she'll still get the message across.
Thanks for visiting and I'll see you next time!
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