Peach recently told me that she wanted to propose to Darth Vader! I told her to go for it...even if it does cause a disturbance in the Force. So up in the ferris wheel at the amusement park, she popped the question!
He said yes, and they got married right away!
They went on a honeymoon in Japan, where Peach said she was impressed by Kumamoto Castle. Darth Vader just chuckled and muttered something about the Death Star being better.
Once they returned to Wolf Bobs Island, they moved into their own home. The Mii Homes section of the island now has five houses once again.
Maeby told me she wanted to travel, so I gave her a travel ticket. She and her husband Alien went off to Switzerland!
While in Basel, they took a dip in a pool that has nine cool fountains that spray water as if they're talking to each other. However, they jumped in and started...oh no! Guys, don't do that! Keep it clean!
Squishy told me she was interested in both George Sr. and Snoopy. I told her to take Snoopy for a walk in the park, and she asked him out there.
But even though he appreciated the walk, Snoopy turned her down. Apparently Squishy was barking up the wrong tree.
Meanwhile, Jeff and Elly were on a date at the amusement park. Jeff seemed to be enjoying the roller coaster, while Elly looked a bit scared.
Breezy had a birthday on October 26th, so she celebrated with Mr. Bean, Miss Piggy, Alien, and Tobias. Happy birthday, Breezy!
Mr. Bean told me he had feelings for Squishy, so he asked her out on the beach.
But before she could answer, Shaq appeared out of the blue and he told Squishy he loves her too!
Squishy turned them both down.
Weird Al asked for a new apartment interior, so I decided to give him the Halloween one and he loved it. Happy Aloween!
Squishy really must want a new dog, because she asked out Snoopy again, this time up on the observation tower.
But once again, Snoopy shot her down like the Red Baron. Don't worry, Squishy. There are many other dogs in the pound.
On October 31st, some of the shops were decorated for the holiday. I hope you all had an enjoyable Halloween!
I finally saved up the $5,000 I needed for the galactic interior. The price may be sky high, but this is far out! It really rocks!
As of November 1st, a new SpotPass import item is available: Lederhosen. Here's a picture of Buster modeling the outfit for you.
It costs $80.00 and it's available in four colors. I could see Weird Al wearing this during a polka.
The interior shop has a special item only for November, the gamer interior. It costs $1337 and it includes a huge Game Boy!
Today I saw Velma and The Count flying kites on the beach! One, two. Two kites! Ah! Ah! Ah!
I gave Mr. Saturn some hash browns, and he hated them! It was his worst ever food, so he melted into a colorless blob of goo.
Notes: Nintendo has graciously provided me with an advance copy of Tomodachi Life. Thanks, Nintendo! All Miis shown were made by me or my friends and are not in the game by default.