Day 23: Cafe Photos
Pete asked me for a favor tonight: He wanted a bright white rose. I had nearly two dozen of them in my pockets, so I gladly handed one over. I was then able to take a commemorative photo with him. This earned me my 84th sticker.

Right after this photo was taken, Pete ate us all.

Guys can't step on your feet if they can't find them.
I went to the fortune-teller's shop and had Miss Teri cast a two-star fish charm. It makes more fish appear, and rare fish will appear more often. I went over to the fishing pond, and when the fish started biting, I could tell I had something big. Usually you'll only have to press the A button about 2-3 times at most, but this one took about 7 or 8 button presses before I could reel it in. Once I did, I found a huge golden crownfish at the end of the line!

How does the crown stay on underwater?
With the fishing charm still in effect, I went to Cinderella's world. I went on a quest with a fishing hole and caught my first gold goby. I also scored some sapphire bubbles, which I needed to make a Donald round chair. And before the fishing charm expired, I did a little fishing in 100 Acre Wood too. There, I caught my first golden goldfish. I've now caught 19 of 21 fish in the game.
I started to decorate my cafe in Donald Duck themed furniture. When I made all three food dishes Donald themed as well, I earned a sticker for making a full menu of "hot theme" items (since today's theme was Donald Duck). I then held a party, and Donald Duck himself showed up (as I was hoping he would). However, he didn't give me a Donald star medal, which I need to make my Donald star wand. I didn't have a full selection of Donald themed decorations yet, so maybe I'll need to acquire those first.

It's not a formal party, but you could've worn pants.

The Good, The Bad, and The Goofy

He must lead a charmed life.
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