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Disney Magical World Blog

Nintendo has provided me with an advance copy of Disney Magical World, which is now available for Nintendo 3DS. It has some gameplay similarities to Animal Crossing, while also featuring over 60 Disney characters. I'll be writing about the game and providing regular updates as I progress through the game. Want to start from the beginning?

Day 35: October DLC

A resident asked me to model the Goofy outfit in exchange for a skeleton cabinet recipe. And wearing a Peter Pan outfit for someone else earned me a bat round table recipe. Another resident asked me to model a carrot outfit in exchange for the Pumpkin King outfit recipe. Many of the Halloween and skeleton items can be acquired by fulfilling requests in this manner. Here's a picture of me in the Pumpkin King suit:

I'm Jeff Skellington.
Other seasonal items can be found in McDuck's; that's where I found the Halloween outfit. So if you're looking for these Halloween items, just keep checking at McDuck's and look for residents with requests twice a day. (Everything generally resets at 5 a.m. and 5 p.m.).

Despite the outfit, my waitress doesn't like being called a witch.

It's October now, and there's a new DLC item available: the casual skull T-shirt. It's a free download.

This may be the only time you hear the phrase "casual skull."
Hosting a party with skeleton furniture will result in Jack Skellington (from The Nightmare Before Christmas) paying a visit.

Sometimes Zero the ghost dog will also show up.
And hosting a Halloween themed party will result in several Disney characters showing up in their costumes. Mickey Mouse, Goofy, and Donald Duck made appearances this time.

They're ready to go trick-or-treating.
I've now accumulated almost all of the Halloween and skeleton furniture items; I only need one more piece from each set.

For those of you in Europe, your wait is almost over! Disney Magical World will be released there on October 24th. I hope you all have a fun, scary, and safe Halloween! See you next time!

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