Hula Key - Jeff's Dream Suite Adventures

Hula Key


Mayor: Dragon (Nichole)
Date of Visit: October 24, 2017
Villagers: Bunnie, Kyle, Henry, Portia, Roscoe, Cole, Amelia, Ruby, Margie, Puddles
As I arrived in Hula Key, I noticed that a moat of molten lava appears around the town tree. Watch your step!

in the New Leaf dream town of Hula Key.

I walked over and met the mayor, Dragon. She told me to find all five bodies outside!

Dragon: Find all FIVE bodies outside.

I really enjoy when dream town creators put in a challenge like this. It's like a game within a game.

Dragon's main room has exotic furniture customized in red and black, with the red/black lava on the floor. And with the lighting, everything has a red tint to it. I love it!

The mayor's red and black main room in the New Leaf dream town of Hula Key.

The room on the left has some spooky furniture, but also some gravestones. I don't mean to dig up the past, but I think whoever was buried here is coming back for more. Sometimes it's hard to keep a good skeleton down.

Skeletons near gravestones in the New Leaf dream town of Hula Key.

This witch seems to be serving snacks, as one of those creepy dolls stares into a crystal ball.

A witch and a creepy doll in the New Leaf dream town of Hula Key.

Another doll, this one with an axe, seems to be keeping mementos of villagers. Are they her previous victims? Gotta catch 'em all!

A doll with an axe, villager pictures, and a big red

Since the mayor's house was all kind of dark and creepy, I cheered myself up by heading over to Death's house. There's a pet shop in here, with a cat running the cash register and another cat pushing around a shopping cart. It may be a bit cheesy, but I like it. :)

A cat pushes a shopping cart in the pet shop. From the New Leaf dream town of Hula Key.

I was getting a little hungry, so I headed over to the diner, where I was served by the lovely Demon. I ordered some cake. Devil's food, of course.

Eat at my Hula Keys diner.

Once I was done eating, I checked out the Devil's arcade. It has arcade machines, tabletop games, pinball, bowling, and there are even Pac-Man designs on the floor. This has got to be the best arcade room I've seen in New Leaf. The devil is in the details. :P

The Devil's arcade in the New Leaf dream town of Hula Key.

Now that I've checked out all four houses, I was free to explore the outside...and to start looking for those dead bodies!

Between the great patterns, the tons of flowers, and the many public works projects (PWPs), Hula Key is a beautiful town.

A windmill and flowers in the New Leaf dream town of Hula Key.

Houses and a flower arch in the New Leaf dream town of Hula Key.

An illuminated arch and a cube sculpture in the New Leaf dream town of Hula Key.

Many parts of town seem perfect for a Halloween visit. There's even a full moon!

Outisde of the mayor's house in the New Leaf dream town of Hula Key.

Jack-o'-lantern pumpkin patterns in the New Leaf dream town of Hula Key.

I am happy to report that I successfully found all five bodies in Hula Key. Can you find all five? Good luck!

Thanks to Nichole for making such a great town! I hope you'll all give Hula Key a visit!

More of Jeff's Dream Suite Adventures


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bunny · Nov 8, 2017

:o do you play pokemon or something? :p

Jeff (mod) · Nov 9, 2017

@bunny: No, not really. I have played Pokemon Snap, but that's about it. And that was years ago.

:P · Nov 1, 2017

Just found this blog while looking for stuff on Aika Village. Pretty cool!

Jeff (mod) · Nov 9, 2017

@:P: Thanks, glad you like it! :)

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