New Horizons Art Guide (Jolly Redd)
The works of art sold by Jolly Redd (formerly known as Crazy Redd) in Animal Crossing: New Horizons may be authentic or they may be forgeries. This guide will help you distinguish the real ones from the fakes. Each painting and statue is listed below, in alphabetical order, along with a way to tell if each one is the real deal. A screenshot will show the difference, and I've also included a pun for every work of art! Enjoy!

Jolly Redd also shows up on Harv's Island with two items. If you buy one of the items each day, it will be replaced with another work of art the following day. But on Mondays, both items will be new.
If you're playing ACNL on 3DS, use the New Leaf Art Guide instead. The forgeries are different!
Academic Painting
The fake version of the painting has a large coffee cup stain in the upper right corner. It was likely left there by Leonardo da Venti.
Amazing Painting
Off the top of my head, the difference is that the man in black will be wearing a hat in the real painting. In the forgery, he is hatless.
Ancient Statue
The fake spaceman has two antennas on his head, and his eyes may light up. Don't tune in to the fake spaceman's broadcast; the antenna is a signal that it's a forgery!
Basic Painting
I'll cut to the chase: The boy has less hair in the real version, and he has bangs (also known as a fringe) in the fake one. Buying a forgery isn't my style.
Beautiful Statue
Does this one have you stumped? Here are some pearls of wisdom for you: The real beautiful statue is not wearing a necklace. The fake one will be wearing a pearl necklace. Don't fall for Jolly Redd's string of lies!But either way, it'll cost you an arm and a leg.

Calm Painting
Let the river wash away your uncertainty; this painting will always be real! So stay calm and buy this with confidence.
Common Painting
It's common knowledge that this painting will always be real. That should level the playing field.
Detailed Painting
This painting of chickens and hydrangeas has two versions, and I'll detail the differences for you: The real painting has a stamp and a vertical signature on the left side. Also, the real one has some blue flowers, while the forgery has all purple flowers. The colors may be tricky to differentiate if you're colorblind, but a missing signature is a sure sign of fowl play.
Dynamic Painting
In New Horizons, the dynamic painting is always real. You still have to wave goodbye to your bells, but at least you can feel secure knowing it's a shore thing.
Familiar Statue
You don't need to think hard about this one; it's always a true work of art! No forgeries!
Famous Painting
If you're just browsing the gallery quickly, you may not notice this one. But the fake Mona Lisa has raised eyebrows. You'll definitely want to consult the picture before plucking this one from Redd's greedy claws.
Flowery Painting
Bury those seeds of doubt; the flowery painting will always be real!
Gallant Statue
The fake gallant statue is holding a book against his right arm. The real one has no book; it's just a bare bones statue. Don't let Redd get you by the bells!
Glowing Painting
This painting will always be real, so there's no need to abandon ship. Give Redd your bells, and then set sail for the museum to make the donation.
Graceful Painting
In the real painting, the woman is shorter and facing to the right. But beware, because Redd has two fake versions of this painting. (How disgraceful!) The woman is taller in the fake ones (filling most of the frame), and she may be facing either direction.
If she's taller than expected, Redd is trying to stretch the truth! Don't fall for his tall tales!

Great Statue
This statue's greatness is fit for a king. It's always real!
Informative Statue
If this statue is blue, that's your clue that it's the wrong hue! That's a false translation, so avoid celebration! The real one is dark gray; that's the true way!
Jolly Painting
In the real jolly painting, the man seems to have an artichoke coming out of his chest, perhaps representing a heart. It is missing in the fake version, so Redd must be heartless to sell such a forgery!
Moody Painting
This painting will always be real, so that should put you in the mood to buy some art and reap the rewards.

Motherly Statue
The fake wolf has its tongue hanging out; the real one does not. So if Redd tries to hound you into buying a forgery, don't hold your tongue. Give him the tongue-lashing he deserves!
Moving Painting
The real painting has trees in the upper right corner. In the fake one, you can see the sky there instead. Redd was trying to leaf out some details! That's tree-mendously sneaky of him!"If I don't see a tree, it's not for me."

Mysterious Painting
This painting depicts a small boat carrying a corpse to an island of graves. But you don't need to dig deeper, because this painting is always real. Mystery solved.
Mystic Statue
Redd's forgery features a single dangling earring on Nefertiti's ear, while the real statue has none. That earring is an accessory to a crime: Fraud!
Nice Painting
The nice painting will always be real, so you don't have to worry about wasting any of your hard-earned Manet. That should be music to your ears.
Perfect Painting
Sweet! The perfect painting is always genuine, so your purchase will always bear fruit.
Proper Painting
The proper painting is always real. That's setting the bar pretty high!
Quaint Painting
In the real painting, the woman will be pouring just a trickle of milk. In the forgery, she'll be pouring a lot of milk. Redd is overflowing with deception! Don't cry over spilled milk; just don't buy the forgery.
Robust Statue
The fake robust statue is wearing a wristwatch, and the real one is watch closely! Nobody has time for Redd's forgeries!
Rock-head Statue
The real statue's face has a neutral expression, while the forgery has a slight smile. Use your big brain and don't be fooled! That smile is a monumental mistake! It's rocking the wrong expression!
Scary Painting
Don't be frightened, but the scary painting has multiple fake versions. In the real version, the actor's eyebrows are angled down towards his nose, making him look angry. In both fake versions, the eyebrows tilt the other way, making him look goofy. His mouth may appear happy or sad in the fake version, so make sure to focus on the eyebrows.A goofy look or a smile doesn't fit.
He needs to look scary to be legit!

Scenic Painting
Can you hunt down the differences in the real and fake versions of the scenic painting? The real one has three hunters in the lower-left corner, while the fake only shows one hunter. A couple of his furry friends are also dog-gone in the forgery.A single hunter? That's your clue...
It's a fake! He's missing his crew!

Serene Painting
In this painting, the woman is holding an ermine (similar to a weasel). In the real one, the animal is completely white. In the forgery, the animal is gray, and has bands of different shades across its face. That sounds shady!
Just do not pay...
for shades of gray.

Sinking Painting
Did you get a sinking feeling after buying this painting? Don't worry, because it's always real. So it's safe to sink your money into it.
Solemn Painting
This is one of the most difficult paintings to authenticate. The difference is the man in the background, near the center. In the real painting, the man's hand goes behind the curtain. In the forgery, his arm is raised, possibly waving goodbye to your bells. I solemnly swear the artists were up to no good.
Tremendous Statue
It's an open secret: The real statue is open at the top, while the fake one has a lid on it. Don't let Redd cover up the evidence of his crimes!
Twinkling Painting
You know it's a good night when you see this painting, because it's always real. When you buy it, even Jolly Redd is a five-star seller. This is one of my favorites!
Valiant Statue
Watch your step! The real statue is putting its right foot forward, while the forgery has its left foot in front. One false step could cost you thousands of bells. Step up and buy the right one!
Warm Painting
There's no heated debate about this painting's authenticity; it's always real! That should give you a warm fuzzy feeling.
Warrior Statue
The real statue doesn't have anything in his hands, while the fake one is holding a shovel. So if you see a shovel, it's a dig mistake! With this guide, you don't need a shovel to uncover the truth!
Wild Painting, Left Half
In the real work of art, Raijin (the Japanese god of storms) has white/light skin. In the forgery, he has dark/green skin. If Redd is selling the fake, save your bells for a rainy day.
Wild Painting, Right Half
In the real painting, Fujin (the Japanese god of wind) will have dark/green skin. In the fake, he will have white skin. Don't blow your money on the forgery!
Wistful Painting
In the real painting, the girl is wearing pearl earrings, and her eyes are open. There are two fake versions in which she's wearing star-shaped earrings. In one of them, her eyes are also closed. Redd may try to make you see stars with the forgeries, so keep your eyes open to spot the real deal!
Worthy Painting
The worthy painting is always real, so it's always worth your hard-earned bells. It will revolutionize your art collection!
Missing Something?
Note: Some paintings from New Leaf have not returned in New Horizons. So don't bother looking for the fine painting or neutral painting unless you're playing New Leaf!
Parting Thoughts
Hi everyone! Sorry it took me so long to get this guide up! I completed my ACNH museum in 2022, but I've been procrastinating on this guide since then. I knew it would be a massive pundertaking, and I never really made it a priority until recently (February 2025). But I hope you all found it useful and enjoyed the puns! If you have more puns about any works of art, feel free to share them in the comments below!If you're new to JVGS, please check out my other guides! I also maintain blogs for all of the core Animal Crossing games: New Horizons, New Leaf, City Folk, Wild World, and GameCube.
jvgsjeff is on Youtube, Facebook, Bluesky, Tumblr, and Twitter.
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