Titania - Jeff's Dream Suite Adventures



Mayor: B
Date of Visit: September 30, 2016
Villagers: Greta, Cherry, Goldie, Rizzo, Walt, Bob, Iggly, Cyrano, Bonbon
Previous Dream Address: 4600-2642-5589
When you arrive in Titania, you'll instantly notice there's something special about this town. The futuristic, 3D-looking patterns make it look like you're standing at the top of a tower above a city! This is a very cool effect.

Futuristic, 3D patterns in the dream town of Titania.

Some clothes are nearby that allow you to dress like a ninja, a princess, or a sailor. I dressed as a ninja and used my newfound ninja skills to scale this rockin' tower.

A rock on top of a tower above a futuristic city in the dream town of Titania.

I then headed over to home of the mayor, B. Inside, I found this room of polka-dot furniture customized in black and red. It looks surprisingly good this way.

Polka-dot furniture customized in black and red in the dream town of Titania.

Upstairs, I found some photos of Star Fox characters on the wall. That explains the name Titania. This isn't just a futuristic town, it's a Star Fox town!

Pictures of Star Fox characters on the wall in the dream town of Titania.

Even though much of the town has the high-tech path patterns, there are also some natural parts of town as well. And they're filled with a colorful arrangement of flowers, bushes, topiaries, gems, and money trees.

Pink and orange flowers, bushes, and gems along with some money trees.

Blue and purple flowers and gems, along with topiaries and money trees.

Player B2 had this unique gold and silver room. I've taken quite a shine to it.

A room with silver and gold furniture in the dream town of Titania.

The house has several rooms like this, with furniture customized with two gems of different colors. For example, there's a pink and purple (ruby and amethyst) room, and this blue and green (sapphire and emerald) room.

Blue sapphire and green emerald furniture in the dream town of Titania.

Upstairs, there's a recreation of a Star Fox level! There's an Arwing and some furniture that resembles the simple buildings used in early Star Fox games. A robo-stereo functions as an enemy boss. And at the back of the room you'll find a beak, a bunny hood, and a frog cap--representing Star Fox's buddies Falco, Peppy, and Slippy.

A recreation of a Star Fox game with an Arwing and dressers as buildings in the dream town of Titania.

The basement has 16 of K.K.'s songs in music box form. Since making a music box at Re-Tail is a bit tedious (and the songs don't always turn out as good as you hope), this is a great way to sample how the songs sound before you go to the trouble! Or you could just hang out here and enjoy listening to the music.

Samples of clam-shell music box songs in the dream town of Titania.

After I came out of B2's house, I noticed a rainbow up in the sky. Fox McCloud sure seemed to enjoy it.

A Star Fox custom-design sign and a rainbow in the dream town of Titania.

The house of the "Star Cubed" player has a twist on the lava/fire world theme. The floor pattern makes it look like you're on grating right over the lava, and the banging of the gyroids meshes extremely well with the music playing.

A fire/lava world themed room in the dream town of Titania.

The home of "Nobody" has a standard sci-fi room and western room, but the upstairs is more unique. Lots of cubes, glass display cases, and gyroids.

Cubes and glass in the dream town of Titania.

There's also a nice Egyptian room in the basement.

An Egypt themed room in the dream town of Titania.

Titania is an amazing town that seems to be relatively unknown. I'd like to thank Rebecca for recommending this town to me, and thanks to the town designer B for making such a great town!

Town hall seemingly atop a pillar in the futuristic town of Titania.

And if you're wondering, yes, Wendell is present in this dream. He has seven pages of patterns you can take with you, including the awesome 3D ground patterns as well as the character art.

Bob: This place is pretty dream, huh! Have fun, pthhpth.

For more Star Fox related fun, check out my video What if Animal Crossing Sounded Like Star Fox 64?. Or see my Star Fox parody Star Flush 64 (warning: contains toilet humor).

More of Jeff's Dream Suite Adventures


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JetWolf68k · Oct 5, 2020

Hey I appreciate that you took the time check out my town back then, I felt like no one knew or appreciated it, after you posted this it got thousands of visits! I have a NH island now 6012-4461-1403

Jeff (mod) · Apr 8, 2021

@JetWolf68k: No problem! I love your towns! I featured your island in this video:

Mariolover63 · June 6, 2018

Nobody's house is now zelda 1 themed

Blanche is bae · Jan 11, 2018

I don't have the Dream Suite yet, so I'm curious if the Dream Address is still working? I've heard of other DAs not working anymore ever since the Welcome Amiibo update. If it's not working anymore do you maybe have the new DA?

Jeff (mod) · Jan 11, 2018

@Blanche is bae: Yes, this is a current dream address. An easy way to tell if an address is pre-update (and therefore non-working) is that it won't have any letters in the dream address--only numbers. The newer ones will have at least one letter.

TheDreamer · June 22, 2017

Um, please tell me how to plant money trees?

Jeff (mod) · June 22, 2017

@TheDreamer: Bury a money bag using the golden shovel, and if you're lucky, the resulting sapling will sprout money bags a few days later. For best results, bury a 99k bag of bells. But keep in mind, they're mainly for decoration, not making money. You're probably going to get less out of the tree than you spent making it.

Owen · Apr 8, 2017

Uh how much is the dream suite in bells uh I found isable sleeping today but it's the fishing tournament so just wondering if I have enough bells

Animal crossing rules · Apr 8, 2017

I'm mayor owen from owen here uh HOW DID HE MAKE THOSE CITY LOOK REAL

Finlay · Dec 7, 2016

Tbh I've never really liked futuristic themed towns in Animal Crossing but this one stands out simply because of that creative use of patterns that is really cool

Boo · Nov 24, 2016

Nintendo has a new official dream town! DA: 0000 000F 4241

Crabs are friends, Not food. =/) · Oct 2, 2016

This town looks really unique. I would visit it but even though I've played animal crossing for 3ish years I still didn't build the dream suite as a public works project.

Beth · Oct 1, 2016

I don't think I've ever, in any town, seen such a great use of the QR code and design function. I would go as far as saying some of the rooms/ideas in Titania are the best I've seen!

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