Entry 105: September 2017
Zoidberg told me he had feelings for Lucille 2, and he met her in school to ask her out. But the teacher Gaston had other ideas! He was also interested in Lucille 2!But before Lucille 2 could choose someone, there was another surprise: Jeff also professed his love for Lucille 2!
Unfortunately, Lucille 2 chose Jeff! Yikes! They asked what I thought about the relationship, and my response was a big fat NO. There's no way Jeff is going to date her.
When I visited Ryder, he informed me that he and Hailey recently broke up.
On the Mii News, I saw that dating expert Inigo Montoya is teaching a new class on how to attract the person of your dreams. Is a guy fixated on revenge really the best choice to teach a dating class?
It reminded me of the relationship class in Gerudo Town in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
I gave Bomberman a frozen treat, and he blasted off into outer space. (Get it? Bomberman Blast?) It was his super all-time favorite food.
I got another good reaction when I gave Darth Vader a granola parfait. He didn't blast off into space, because he was already there! Instead, he started moonwalking dancing for his all-time favorite food.
On August 14th, TZ celebrated her birthday. Darth Vader, Blake, Hailey, and Bomberman attended her party. Happy birthday, TZ!
I gave Inkling Girl some instant noodles, and she instantly superjumped into outer space! That was her super all-time favorite food. (I'd hate to be underneath her when she splashdowns back to Earth.)
On August 18th, Stella celebrated her birthday. Her parents (Gaston and Breezy) showed up for the party, joining Velma and Villager.
Speaking of Velma, Tobias recently asked her out in the park. Velma was not interested, and you could tell Tobias was feeling blue.
Ann asked Mario out, and surprisingly, he said yes. They are now sweethearts.
But they weren't the only surprising couple that got together recently. Gaston sang a song on stage for Miss Piggy, asking her out. A rabbit and a pig? Crazy as it sounds, they are now sweethearts.
That's all I have for this month, but I'll be back again in October. Remember, if you're interested in seeing my islanders' reaction foods, I have a list of them here. I keep that list up-to-date, so any changes will be reflected there before I post in the next blog entry.
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