Jeff's Tomodachi Life Blog

Follow along with my crazy adventures in Tomodachi Life for Nintendo 3DS. You can also read my review, scan QR codes to add Miis, view my item collection, see my list of kids or special reaction foods, or buy the game.

Entry 131: Fights & Droopy Ears

In October, I gave Rosalina some chili prawns. She immediately melted into a pile of gray goo. It was her worst ever food.

Rosalina melts after eating her worst ever food in Tomodachi Life.
The puddle starts to swirl;
I'll be your gray goo girl.
Bert made a funny face for me, but I was not a fan of how he looked.

Bert makes a funny face and stands with outstretched arms.
Don't hug me, I'm scared.
October 31st was Skull's birthday, and he celebrated with The Count and Princess Peach. I would say Skull is one year closer to death, but I think he's already there.

La la la la, dear Skull...
In early November, Luigi attended a barbecue in the park...along with Inkling Girl, Emily, and Snoopy. I kept them on-screen for a good while, so they could get nice and crispy. That's because I wanted to use this screenshot in a video (Mario Plays ACCF 27).

Luigi and friends get covered in ashes at a barbecue in Tomnodachi Life.

Tobias was an irate pirate after having a fight with his brother-in-law, Buster.

An angry Tobias, dressed as a pirate: Excuuuuuuuse me!
After calming Tobias down, I told him to make up with Buster. They both apologized, and all is well between the pirate and the army man.

Buster, to Tobias: I'm sorry too.
Hailey made a funny face for me, and she had just about the longest face I've ever seen. If this was Harvest Moon or Stardew Valley, I'd be tempted to plant her head in the vegetable garden.

Hailey makes a funny face in Tomodachi Life.
The Swedish Chef was interested in Squishy, so he asked her out in the cafe. He offered her some gingerbread cake if she would go out with him!

Swedish Chef, to Squishy: I'll give you some gingerbread cake if you go out with me!
Squishy said yes, so she apparently wanted to date the chef. Or maybe she was just hungry. :P

Squishy, to the Swedish Chef: Sure!
Yesterday, Jeff and Conan were hanging out. And by hanging out, I mean fighting with bowling balls and hourglasses.

Apt. 101: Jeff is hanging out at home with Conan.
To fight like this, Conan must have a lot of time on his hands.
Fortunately, I got them to stop fighting and make up.

On the Mii News today, I saw a story about a rare bird that was spotted on the island: It was the Baker bird...although I suppose it could be called a bearded bird.

Mii News: Baker Bird Causes a Flap
Hair today, gone tomorrow.
Gaston told me he had feelings for Peach, and he asked her out in the park. But he was soon joined by The Count and Popeye. One, two, three, AH AH AH... three guys who wanted to date Peach.

Popeye, The Count, and Gaston all ask out Princess Peach in Tomodachi Life.
Why is Gaston leaning? Is he doing what I think he's doing?
But Peach turned them all down. She's still dating Shaq, after all. The rejection left Gaston feeling sad...and with damp, droopy ears.

Gaston is sad, and a raincloud hovers over his head.
But don't worry, I gave him a cappuccino to raise his spirts...and his ears.

Peach and Pauline started talking today, so two of the women in Mario's life have finally become friends.

Peach and Pauline chat as they become friends.
With no marriages or divorces lately, there are still five married couples on the island. My Quality of Life rating is up to 221 stars.

Happy holidays! If you're looking for a gift idea, maybe an Animal Crossing sticker book? See you next time!

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