Day 122
The new Happy Home Network challenge for April 2017 is called "an energy boost." The unlocked items this month are the sun and a large egg. I already got the sun back in September, but I missed out on the large egg the first time around. So I'm actually participating in the challenge this month.Since Tom Nook is such a great guy, I fixed a hammock for him to relax in. And to promote clean energy, I put four suns in his yard. They can pump him full of energy until he can't absorb any more. Enjoy your nice long nap, yes yes.
Indoors, I used the rice-paddy wall and the daisy meadow for the flooring. The large eggs can be customized to simple (the default, solid egg), cracked, or hollow. I was hoping for some decorated Easter egg options (since Easter is coming up), but no such luck. So I used one cracked egg and one hollow egg.
Since the theme is an energy boost, I assume Tom Nook just ate (or drank) the eggs and has plenty of energy now. So I gave him a sandbag, a speed bag, and a case he wants to eggcercise. I wanted to give him even more exercise equipment, but it seems I haven't unlocked much of it yet.
And of course, my day wouldn't be complete without threatening to drop Tom Nook into the large hollow egg.
If you'd like to visit this challenge entry, just hop on over to project code 0092-5709-270.
Thanks for stopping by! If you also play Animal Crossing: New Leaf, remember that Easter is coming up! See my Bunny Day Guide for more info!
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