Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer Blog

Hello, and welcome to my Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer Blog! I'm Jeff and here you can follow along with my adventures in the game. Unlike other Animal Crossing games, Happy Home Designer does not run in real-time. So some blog entries will cover multiple game days. If you'd like, you can start from the beginning or just jump right in! At the bottom of the page, you'll be able to find links to all of the entries. Or read my review.

Day 124

The Happy Home Network challenge I did last time (in May) was the final challenge. So with no further DLC items to unlock, I decided to try making a home for a regular villager.

So I went out to Main Street and spoke to Moe, the blue cat with huge eyes. He wanted to be surrounded by playing cards, so that maybe he could learn magic. A magician's hideaway. I wasn't sure where to put his house, but ultimately, I chose a unique location where train tracks leave a tunnel, and then enter another tunnel. Maybe he can use this in his magic act somehow!

Two tunnels on either side of the train tracks in Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer.
As I was working, a train went by. I was able to snap a picture right as the train filled the gap between tunnels. Ta-da!

A train rolls by, exiting one tunnel and about to enter another.
Since the theme is a magician's hideaway, I tried to hide Moe's house among the trees. The genie's lamp was unlocked with this project, though I'm not exactly sure why. But I decided to put it in a clearing in the trees. I think that makes it look more mysterious.

The outside of Moe's magician's hideaway in Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer.

Inside, I used the newly unlocked card furniture set, including the card rug and card wall. I made a top hat (also unlocked with this project) appear, so that he can pull a rabbit out of a hat. But even just with the card set, this room is a bit crowded. I couldn't fit much moe more! I probably should have picked a larger room for this. Maybe Moe can add on a deck in the future.

The inside of Moe's magician's hideaway room, featuring the card furniture set.
I know this isn't my best house design, but I hope it suits Moe's needs. Maybe he'll grow to heart it as he practices his magic tricks illusions. Maybe someday, he'll be able to join the magic club!

If you'd like to visit this house before it disappears, wave your magic wand stylus and conjure up project code 0806-5774-699.

Thanks for stopping by!

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